Here's what to understand (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstock)

Adrenal PCOS refers to a specific form of polycystic ovary syndrome, which occurs when the adrenal glands produce an excessive amount of androgen hormones. Androgens, commonly known as male hormones, are naturally present in females as well. However, when their levels exceed normal limits, they can disrupt the hormonal balance in the body. "This hormonal imbalance leads to symptoms such as acne, irregular periods, weight fluctuations, and changes in hair growth patterns, including hair loss or excessive hair growth," said Dr Tanveer Aujla, senior consultant, obstetrician and gynaecologist, Motherhood Hospitals.

For the unversed, PCOS is characterised by the presence of enlarged ovaries with small cysts forming on the outer edges. The condition is primarily influenced by genetic or environmental factors, said Dr Aswati Nair, fertility consultant, Nova IVF Fertility, Delhi.

While PCOS is a complex condition characterised by hormonal imbalances and multiple symptoms, managing the excess male hormones can significantly alleviate the associated challenges, said Dr Shwetal Gadhavi, senior consultant, preventive healthcare, HCG Hospitals, Ahmedabad who called for a "multi-faceted approach" to tackle it. "This includes lifestyle modifications such as regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and adopting a balanced diet. These measures can help regulate hormone levels and improve insulin sensitivity, vital in PCOS management," said Dr Gadhavi.

While complete control of male hormones may not be achievable, measures and tweaks such as diet, weight management, stress reduction, medications, and regular monitoring can help manage their effects and improve well-being, asserted Dr Gadhavi.

Discussing adrenal PCOS, fertility expert Mahesh Jayaraman shared four tips that need to be kept in mind.

*Regular exercise. A 30-45 minute walk every day helps reduce insulin resistance, which in turn reduces excess male hormones. Dr Aujla also said that recent studies highlight that practicing yoga, medication, and moderate exercise can help reduce excess levels of testosterone.

*Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables at every meal and reduce junk food and excess carbs from your diet

*Have Spearmint tea at least twice a day. It helps to reduce the creation of highly active male hormones. Dr Aujla said that green tea and spearmint tea contain antioxidants that help reduce androgen levels by minimising insulin levels. "Ginger tea also helps in the regulation of female hormones and can assist with symptoms such as cramps, mood swings, and headaches," said Dr Aujla.

*Remove all plastics and xeno estrogen from your life - especially from your food storage and from your cosmetics.

Elaborating further, Dr Aujla said that microplastics can cause detrimental effects to your health. "It is important to decrease our dependence on them. Phthalates, which is a form of plastic-related chemical that is present in toys, bottles, and medical equipment, and is also used as a scent, is infused in air fresheners and personal care products. Cosmetics and food storage materials also carry microplastic plastics that can add to the ill effects of excess male hormones in females," said Dr Aujla.

Know all about Adrenal PCOS (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstock)

Dr Aujla listed some additional measures that can help.

Vitamin D levels: Vitamin D has been associated with reducing androgen levels in women with PCOS. Consuming vitamin D supplements and exposure to natural light helps in the reduction of excess male hormones.

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Increase zinc intake: Zinc is a crucial mineral that plays a significant role in inhibiting androgens, including testosterone, as well as supporting proper ovarian function. Foods rich in zinc include pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, chickpeas, lentils, cacao, mushrooms, and avocado.

Do these measures help all women?

Experts urge that it's essential to note that the effectiveness of these measures may vary from person to person. "Every individual with PCOS is unique, and treatment should be tailored to their specific needs. Consulting is vital for an accurate diagnosis, personalised treatment plan, and regular progress monitoring, Dr Gadhavi said.

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