Mental health is as important as your physical health. However, the rise of hustle culture has taken a toll on the mental health. People refrain from talking about their mental health issues as there’s a stigma attached to it. This prevents people from addressing their issues and seeking help for the same. However, it is important that people understand the importance of addressing mental health issues. This will help people to seek help easily.

Not just professional help, self-care routines and strategies can also help to improve your mental health. Here, take a look as Ritu Mehrotra, Founder & CEO of United We Care- Mental Wellness Platform speaks on the importance of self-care. She also shares strategies that can help you prioritise your mental health.

Mehrotra said, “As the world thrives on hustle culture, individuals these days barely find time to internalise and connect with their purpose. This constant state of mental engagement might affect their physical well-being and their way of routine functionality, societal relationships and much more.”

Here are some of the strategies that can help you prioritize mental health which in turn helps you focus on self-care.

Understanding that self-care is a necessity and not a luxury

Driven by an active state of engagement of the mind usually, we feel letting the mind and body relax is a luxury and a waste of time. However, like the body, the mind needs rest to detach and reset.

Draw your boundaries

Measurement of what is permissible that claims your time and energy is crucial to upholding good mental health. You must learn to mention what is doable and what is not without overcommitting.

Drafting a self-care plan

List down a series of activities be it mental, physical or emotional that essentially help your mind uplift its mood. Practice engaging in such activities efficiently to keep the mental equilibrium.


Meditation and mindfulness help calm the mind and steer away from stress-causing situations.

Exercise daily

Practicing an active lifestyle helps release stress-relieving hormones within your body which in turn help you dominate your mental wellness.

Nurture your bonds with people

Building and maintaining strong relations with friends and family through constant dialogue helps induce strong emotional support which helps you get closer to your purpose.

Take your breaks

It is always okay to take breaks to rest the mind and reset. It helps bring down the cortisol hormones.

Pursue hobbies

During your free time, pursuing hobbies helps you keep your mood in check.

Take professional help

If things seem tangled beyond your mental capacity to handle, you can pursue professional guidance through frequent therapy sessions with mental wellness professionals for necessary support.

Self-compassion is crucial

Accepting the way you are without being hard on yourself and forgiving the mistakes that you make is crucial for self-care.

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