Across the world, millions suffer from high cholesterol and heart disease, which continue to be a leading cause of untimely deaths. According to statistics, in India alone, 25-30 per cent of urban and 15-20 per cent of rural people are living with borderline high LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, and high triglycerides, which doctors say are mostly due to lifestyle and diet issues.

For years, the emphasis has been on heart-friendly diets with little thought on overall nutritional quality to lower cholesterol. However, of late many studies have suggested a more comprehensive approach by emphasizing balancing both nutrition and taste.

This Mediterranean-style diet hits on many of the nutritional factors that influence our heart health so the inclusion of anti-inflammatory foods – which help prevent plaque build-up is extremely important.

And since according to experts, weight loss plays a big role in improving cholesterol and lowering inflammation, it is important to seek a diet that restricts calories apart from improving your overall health.

Why opt for an anti-inflammatory diet?

Doctors say inflammation is one of the main causes of the build-up of LDL or bad cholesterol, leading to a heightened risk of heart disease.

So, an anti-inflammatory diet is a great way to not just improve overall health and wellness but particularly reduce cholesterol levels and regulate your cardiovascular health as well.

Foods included in anti-inflammatory diet

The focus of this diet is on high fibre, plant-based foods like beans, lentils, whole grains, and lots of fresh fruits and vegetables to make sure that you have a strong, healthy heart.

A few important food groups included in this diet are:

  • Nuts
  • Chia and flax seeds
  • Avocado
  • Olives and olive oil
  • Fish - salmon, tuna, sardines
  • Beans and lentils
  • Leafy greens
  • Beetroot
  • All seasonal fruits
  • Seasonal vegetables
  • Garlic and onions
  • Spices and herbs
  • Whole grains like quinoa, whole wheat, oats, and millets

How to prepare the anti-inflammatory diet

According to experts, since most people are busy during weekdays, meal preparation becomes a big problem and hence many may quit, diverting towards easily available junk food.

However, smartly planning and prepping your meals is the easiest way to a healthy body and mind. It gives you a head start on the week, often leading to faster, healthier, stress-free eating.

For a 7-day anti-inflammatory diet, according to nutritionists, you must break down the number of calories per day, considering your height and weight.

On average 1200-1500 calories a day is enough for a normal-built person, so you may incorporate:

Breakfast (approx. 250 calories)

A serving of peanut butter with chia seeds and whole-grain bread. You can have a medium apple or a handful of nuts as a snack later.

Lunch (approx. 355 calories)

Eat a serving of freshly prepared vegetable dish, paneer, or fish. One serving of orange, some rice or bread

Evening snack (approx. 130 calories)

A handful of nuts

Dinner (approx. 478 calories)

A serving of baked chicken or fish along with sautéed vegetables. You can have a bowl of soup or freshly prepared salad or a cup of cooked millets or quinoa.

Dieticians say you can change a few ingredients according to your preference but most of the focus should be incorporating all food groups.

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