Because muscle strength and flexibility may peak in the late afternoon and evening due to increases in body temperature, Dr Jagadish Hiremath agrees that exercises performed during these hours can be more effective and potentially reduce the risk of injuries. (Source: Freepik)

Does the time of day you choose to exercise impact your health? To answer these questions, researchers at the University of Sydney, Australia, released the findings in a new study published last week. The results suggest that undertaking most of your physical activity in the evening could offer significant health benefits, especially for people living with obesity. 

The study, which tracked 30,000 people over nearly 8 years, found that those who engaged in the majority of their aerobic moderate to vigorous exercise between 6pm and midnight had the lowest risk of premature death and cardiovascular disease.

Dr Jagadish J Hiremath, public health expert based in Bangalore, says, “Evening physical activity can significantly enhance health outcomes, especially in managing obesity and cardiovascular health.” 

This timing exploits the body's natural physiological state at the end of the day when metabolism begins to slow. Engaging in activity during this period, he states, can maintain a heightened metabolic rate, extend the body's period of increased energy expenditure, and more efficiently utilise glucose, which can otherwise elevate blood sugar levels if not metabolised.

Additionally, because muscle strength and flexibility may peak late afternoon and evening due to increases in body temperature, Dr Hiremath agrees that exercises performed during these hours can be more effective and potentially reduce the risk of injuries.

Physiological rationale for enhanced evening exercise outcomes

The circadian rhythm, or the body's internal clock, regulates various biological functions, including hormone release, muscle function, and metabolism, Dr Hiremath informs. 

Evening is a time when certain hormones that aid in metabolism and muscle repair, such as testosterone and growth hormone, are elevated. Exercising during this period capitalises on these natural hormonal boosts, improving the body’s ability to build muscle and burn fat. 

Moreover, he adds, insulin sensitivity naturally increases as the day progresses, peaking in the afternoon and early evening. Physical activity at this time can thus maximize glucose uptake into the muscles and liver, reducing overall blood sugar levels—a crucial factor for those with insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes.

Evening is a time when certain hormones that aid in metabolism and muscle repair, such as testosterone and growth hormone, are elevated. (Source: Freepik)

Impact of timing of physical activity in relation to overall health outcomes

Dr Hiremath admits, “Timing of exercise does not just influence physical health but extends to mental and emotional health as well. Regular physical activity, regardless of the time, is known to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.”

However, aligning exercise with natural physiological rhythms can enhance these benefits. For example, evening exercise can help regulate the body's stress hormones like cortisol, which naturally decline toward the end of the day, promoting relaxation and helping prepare the body for restful sleep.

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Precautions for engaging in evening physical activities

While there are significant benefits to evening exercise, Dr Hiremath stresses that it's important to consider activity type and its impact on sleep. Vigorous exercise stimulates the body, raising heart rate and body temperature, which can interfere with the ability to fall asleep if done too close to bedtime. 

To avoid this, he recommends engaging in intense activities at least 1-2 hours before bed, or opt for moderate to light activities that can still yield health benefits without overly stimulating the body. Activities such as yoga, gentle cycling, or a leisurely walk can be ideal evening exercises that promote health without disrupting sleep patterns.

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