If you know you are stressed and trying to relax to get over it is a good step towards healing your mental health. However, instead of de-stressing you, if it is adding more stress to your life, you may end up being stresslaxed - a counterproductive effect that can lead to a vicious cycle of heightened anxiety, worry, and depression.

According to experts, the term refers to a phenomenon that many people experience in a state of anxiety when forcing themselves to try and calm down by taking a break or unwinding. When people force themselves to relax, they become more anxious and worry more about how well or efficiently they can relax.

Doctors say the clinical term for stresslaxed is relaxation-induced anxiety which makes you prone to stress.

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What makes it hard for some people to relax?

According to mental health experts, many people resist the urge to relax and unwind due to external pressures and internal dynamics. These include their work, study, family, and other commitments, which can make people feel like they are constantly working for the outside world and are always available to others.

They also feel obligated to meet the demands of everyone they know and do not get any personal time to get space or relax for themselves.

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Also, doctors blame technology and free access to the internet which has blurred the lines of work and play, leading to less time for your own self. Most people want to remain active and involved and not relax as they feel they could miss out on something.

Physical consequences of stresslaxing

According to experts, stresslaxing – which leads to chronic stress is connected to high blood pressure levels or other heart-related issues like:

  • Heart attacks
  • Strokes
  • Constant tiredness and fatigue
  • Ulcers
  • Headaches
  • Backaches
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Irritability
Not being able to properly switch off and relax also affects your nervous system function.

Ways to relax without getting stressed

Experts have revealed a few ways you can trigger the relaxation response through a few easy techniques, which include:

Set boundaries between work and home life

Make sure to disconnect once you are off from working hours. Make self-care a priority and learn how to manage this daily.

Practice the Benson Relaxation Method

This involves sitting in a comfortable position, closing your eyes, intentionally relaxing all the muscles, beginning at your feet and working up to your head, breathing slowly, for 20 minutes.

Focus on a “done” list

Things that are done and over with should be forgotten.

Engage in meditation

According to studies, even five minutes of deep breathing, silence, and restfulness help enhance mental and physical functioning.

Use the 5,4,3,2,1, technique

Ask yourself to find five things you can see, three things you can hear, four things you can touch, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste.

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