Childhood obesity has become a common chronic disease that affects the growth and overall health of children. Approximately 124 million children and adolescents have been affected by obesity. Children with a body mass index (BMI) higher than or at 95 per cent are considered obese. BMI is a screening tool that helps measure the ratio of your height to your weight, to estimate your body fat. The calculation of children's BMI varies from that of adults. According to Dr Srinath Manikandi, a senior neonatologist consultant in Bengaluru, obesity usually occurs due to unawareness of calorie intake. The amount of food you consume and the number of calories you burn determines your body fat. Lack of physical movement among children and storing calories in the body leads to obesity. Experts suggest that Indian body types are slightly different from those of other cultures. Indians have a tendency to gain weight faster.

Nowadays, children prefer fast foods or food items that contain a high amount of sugar, salt, and fat. This is also making children obese or overweight. Children have easy access to street food or junk food these days because of the availability of online food delivery apps.

Obesity may develop these diseases in children:


Type 2 diabetes

High blood pressure

High cholesterol

Heart diseases

Fatty liver

Cancers like colon and breast cancer

Hormonal imbalances

Children with obesity may also suffer from:


Social isolation

Low self-esteem


How to prevent child obesity:

Limit fat, sugar, and salt content in food items; also limit processed food

Encourage better sleep, as a poor sleep cycle may also lead to obesity

Limit sugar intake

Encourage physical activities like gardening, dancing, swimming and yoga

Adults should try to be their children’s role model by limiting the consumption of tobacco, alcohol, and high-calorie foods

Parents should not use food items to reward their kids

Parents should discourage kids from eating food or snacks while watching TV

Healthy habits should be adopted at home by parents when their child is 6 to 12 months old. They should include fruits and vegetables in their kids' diet from an early age and consult healthcare providers for guidance.

India is the second country after China to have nearly 1.5 million obese children. This is a matter of concern and may have severe effects in the long term and affect their adulthood as well.

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