Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition wherein the airways become inflamed and narrow. This leads to wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing. While most of these symptoms happen at night, certain signs also appear in the morning that are triggered by allergens, exercise, cold air, or stress. It is important to take the necessary steps that can help you in managing the condition. Along with medications and inhalers, it is crucial that you lead an active and healthy lifestyle. One of the ways to manage to breathe easily is by practising yoga.

Yoga can be really good for people with asthma. It can help you breathe easily and make you feel less stressed. When you do yoga, you perform breathing exercises that make your lungs stronger and help you stay calm. These special breaths can even help you when you’re feeling wheezy or tight in your chest or when you have an asthma attack. Studies have shown that asthma sufferers who incorporate yoga into their daily routine have fewer symptoms, reduced need for medication and an overall improvement in life quality.

Here, take a look at some of the yoga poses you can perform if you suffer from asthma.


Also known as the Easy Sitting Pose, this pose promotes relaxation and stress reduction which are essential for managing asthma. Deep and controlled breathing improves lung capacity and encourages you to focus on breath control, beneficial when symptoms of asthma arise.

Cat-Cow Stretch

Also known as Marjaryasana-Bitilasana, this gentle flow between two poses increases flexibility in the spine and helps open the chest, improving your lung function. The rhythmic movement also helps in loosening mucus in the airways, making breathing easier.

Bridge Pose

Also known as Setu Bandhasana, this pose opens the chest and lungs, improving oxygen flow. It is helpful for strengthening the respiratory system and reducing obstacles that hinder breathing.

Cobra Pose

Also known as Bhujangasana, this pose improves lung volume and encourages the opening of airways. This pose is particularly beneficial for deeper breaths and better airflow.

Butterfly Pose

Also known as Baddha Konasana, this seated pose encourages relaxation and stress relief. While not directly affecting the lungs, its calming effect can prevent stress-induced asthma attacks.

Seated Forward Bend

Also known as Paschimottanasana, this forward bend compresses the abdomen onto the thighs, massaging internal organs, including those involved in breathing. It promotes relaxation, reduces anxiety, and can help in easing breathing difficulties.

Standing Forward Bend

Also known as Uttanasana, this pose helps in clearing out mucus from the lungs and improves blood flow to the respiratory organs. It also helps in releasing tension in the neck and back, areas where one might hold stress.

Corpse Pose

Also known as Savasana, ending your yoga sessions with this pose combined with pranayama promotes relaxation and stress management which are crucial for asthma sufferers. It allows you to practice controlled breathing, reducing the frequency of asthma attacks.

These yoga poses when combined with mindful breathing can significantly help people suffering from asthma by improving lung function, reducing stress and improving the overall quality of life.

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