Yoga is known to be beneficial for several health issues. This form of exercise can help you manage symptoms of several diseases and health conditions. Yoga involves a combination of asanas (physical postures), pranayama (breathing exercises) and meditation. Your heart is one of the most important organs of the body. Therefore, it is extremely important that you keep your heart healthy. Keeping your heart healthy involves several aspects such as diet, lifestyle and fitness among others. Certain yoga poses are also known to benefit your heart.

Here, take a look at the best yoga poses that help to boost cardiovascular health.


Also known as Mountain Pose, this is a standing pose that helps improve posture, balance and circulation, all of which are beneficial for heart health. It engages several muscle groups which helps to improve circulation and keep the heart rate steady. This pose also improves cardiovascular health and promotes better functioning of the heart.

Virabhadrasana II

Also known as Warrior II, this is a standing pose that helps to strengthen the legs, opens the hips and expands the chest and lungs. This pose also increases your stamina and endurance which helps the heart to work more efficiently.


Also known as Triangle Pose, this pose stretches the legs, groin, hips and chest. It gives you a full-body workout that benefits your heart. This pose also encourages deep breathing and improves blood flow, thereby, reducing the strain on the heart.

Setu Bandhasana

Also known as Bridge Pose, this pose is great for strengthening the back, glutes and hamstrings while also opening the chest and lungs. It helps to stimulate the heart and improves blood circulation, thereby, making it beneficial for cardiovascular health.

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Also known as Downward-Facing Dog, this pose can help to increase blood flow and reduce stress. In this inversion pose, gravity helps in circulation, thereby, promoting blood flow back to the heart. It also strengthens the arms, shoulders and legs while providing a calming effect that can help to lower blood pressure.


Also known as Chair Pose, this is a standing pose that engages the large muscle groups in the legs. It also increases heart rate and stimulates cardiovascular activity. When you’re holding this pose, it helps to build strength and endurance which are important for a healthy heart. This pose also improves your lung capacity.


Also known as Corpse Pose, this pose might seem like a resting pose, however, it plays an important role in cardiovascular health as it helps you relax and reduce stress. When you’re lying still and focusing on your breath, you can lower your heart rate and blood pressure. This pose is beneficial in reducing the impact of stress on the heart, thereby, making it an important pose for overall cardiovascular health.

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