The monsoon season offers a respite from heat, but it also brings skin challenges. During this time, skin becomes prone to breakouts, excess oiliness, and fungal infections, which can diminish the natural glow you aim for. Effective skincare becomes crucial to address these issues and preserve healthy, radiant skin.

During the monsoon, several factors contribute to skin issues, explains Dr. (Major) Gurveen Waraich Garekar from Garekars M.D. dermatology clinic. High humidity levels can lead to increased oil production, clogged pores, and acne flare-ups, he notes. Additionally, fungal infections thrive in moist conditions, making conditions like ringworm and athlete's foot more common. He further shares that fluctuating weather patterns and exposure to rainwater can disrupt the skin's natural barrier function, resulting in irritation and sensitivity.

Dr. Garekar says that keeping your skin clean and dry is crucial for maintaining healthy, glowing skin. Focus on areas prone to fungal infections, such as between fingers, toes, and skin folds. This simple step can significantly improve your skincare routine.

Here are 10 dos and don'ts for healthy skin in the monsoon

Avoid over-layering skincare products: High humidity often causes the skin to become oily and sticky. Layering too many products, especially in the morning, can prevent the skin from breathing properly, thus clogging pores and causing breakouts.

Darn the creamy moisturisers: Refrain from using creamy moisturisers, instead use gel-based lightweight moisturisers. Gel-based moisturisers are light and come with the ability to provide hydration without the feeling of heaviness and greasiness on the skin.

Avoid high-coverage foundations: Coverage foundations often break down in humid conditions, resulting in a patchy and cakey appearance. In contrast, tinted sunscreens and BB creams provide longer-lasting effects and multiple benefits such as coverage, hydration, and sun protection in one product, minimising the need for layering multiple products.

Use sunscreen daily: Since UV rays can penetrate through clouds, use sunscreen even on rainy or cloudy days. Applying sunscreen offers essential protection, along with added hydration and anti-aging benefits.

Use AHA and BHA toners: The deep cleaning properties of AHA and BHA effectively remove excess oil, impurities, and sebum, reducing the occurrence of blackheads and whiteheads by opening the pores. Using them 2-3 times a week may help prevent blackheads and whiteheads.

Keep the body hydrated: Drink at least 2.5-3 liters of water every day. Making sure to stay properly hydrated is crucial for keeping the skin moist and soft, which reduces the likelihood of dryness and flakiness. Hydration also aids in flushing out toxins from the body and helps regulate oil production, leading to improved skin appearance and health.

Exercising double cleansing in the night: Regular cleansing is essential for effectively removing dirt, sweat, makeup, excess oil, and pollutants that accumulate on the skin surface. This practice helps maintain clean pores free from impurities and prevents congestion or clogging of the skin.

Wear loose cotton clothes: This simple practice can help prevent fungal and bacterial infections, which are prevalent during the monsoon season. Wearing loose cotton clothing allows for air circulation, keeping the skin dry and reducing the likelihood of skin irritation or infection in humid conditions.

Use hydrating facial mists: Facial mists offer a cooling sensation and a soothing effect on the skin, which helps reduce discomfort caused by humidity. They quickly replenish the skin's moisture, providing a refreshing feeling instantly and also keep your skin fresh and hydrated.

Use antibacterial or antifungal soap: Using antibacterial or antifungal soap for bathing once or twice a week can significantly reduce the risk of athlete's foot, ringworm, fungal rashes, and other infections common during the monsoon. These soaps effectively maintain skin hygiene by eliminating microbes and pathogens, especially in areas prone to sweating and moisture accumulation like underarms, groin, and feet.

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