A healthy lifestyle is non-negotiable to achieve higher productivity and motivation levels at work. But maintaining a healthy lifestyle is easier said than done. While the Internet is full of wellness tips and hacks, most of these are difficult to follow, amidst a busy professional life. Moreover, nobody tells where exactly to start.

The perfect way to start the loop of good health is to first fix your diet, then improve your sleep, and finally adopt a healthy exercise regime that suits you. This step-by-step approach ensures you have sufficient energy to start and sustain your exercise routine, thus increasing the chances that you'll never want to break this loop of good health. Understanding these simple yet effective tips will help us to maintain health in a fast-paced world.

Here are 8 health and wellness tips for office workers to boost their productivity listed by Yash Parashar, CEO, Mama Nourish.

Make meal plans and meal prep: Weekly meal planning is a great strategy for professionals to maintain a healthy diet amidst tight schedules. It saves time, promotes better portion control, and reduces the likelihood of opting for unhealthy fast foods.

Reduce sugar intake: Sugary snacks and drinks are addictive, but we all know they are bad for us. It is recommended to completely avoid added sugar as it provides only calories without any nutrients. Be cautious of hidden sugar in processed foods. A good way out is to say no to sugars 5 days a week, and you can treat yourself over the weekend with one meal with average sugar levels. Also, read the food labels carefully. Reading food labels is tricky as most ultra-processed food comes with attractive colourful packaging, but the ingredients and nutrition facts will be written in a hard-to-read way.

Have a balanced diet: The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) suggests a balanced diet of 2000 Kcal with cereals & Nutri Cereals including millet (250g), vegetables (400g), fruits (100g), pulses and legumes (85g), milk/curd (300ml), nuts and seeds (35g), healthy fats and oils (27g). Keep this in mind during your weekly meal planning. All the better, stick your meal plan on your refrigerator so that you and your cook know what to prepare and when. Planned grocery purchases are an added advantage.

Keep yourself hydrated: The amount of fluid required for the body may vary according to seasons, environment, and physical activity. Drink enough water. General advice is to drink about eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day, totalling about 2 litres. Carrying a water bottle and setting hydration timers/reminders can be helpful.

Don't skip breakfast: You might have heard the famous quote "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper" by famous nutritionist Adelle Davis. Breakfast is the most important meal, and with a little planning and easy healthier choices of one-pot dishes, it's possible to include in your regime. E.g., moong dal chilla, soaked oats, idli, upma, or healthy salads to kick off your busy day with positive vibes.

Sleep well: Adequate sleep is crucial for optimal productivity and overall health. To ensure you get 7-9 hours of high-quality sleep each night, maintain a consistent sleep routine, optimise your sleeping environment for comfort, and minimise screen exposure before bed. Practicing relaxation techniques like reading or meditating before bed can also improve sleep quality.

Practice yoga or exercise that suits you: Regular yoga helps improve posture, reduce stress, and increase flexibility, which can counteract the effects of prolonged sitting. It also boosts energy and focus, contributing to higher productivity and overall well-being. Simple stretches, breathing exercises, and meditation can be done even at the workstation. In addition to yoga, light exercises like a morning walk also help to stay physically active.

Forgive yourself, don’t stress out for everything: If you did not follow the regime for some time, just resume whenever and wherever you can. Stressing about missed workouts or unhealthy meals can be counterproductive. Accept the slip-up and get back on track without guilt.

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