Screens have become a vital part of our daily life in the digital age. For work, school, or play, a lot of us look at computer screens, tablets, and cellphones for extended periods of time. Undoubtedly, technology has improved our productivity and connectedness, but it has also brought up new health risks, especially for our eyes. Extended screen time frequently results in impaired vision, which is frequently accompanied by pain and eye strain.

Causes of blurry vision

Extended focus on close-up screens: Our eyes have to work harder to retain a clean image when we focus on a screen for a longer amount of time. Constant straining of the ocular muscles might cause temporary blurriness, says Dr Dheeraj Gupta, senior consultant ophthalmology, Marengo Asia hospital, Gurugram.

Decreased blink rate: Research indicates that those who use digital gadgets tend to blink less frequently. To keep the eyes moisturised and vision clean, blinking is necessary. Reduced blinking can lead to dry eyes and discomfort, which can obstruct vision, says Dr Gupta.

Emission of blue light: According to Dr Gupta, Blue light from screens can enter the eye deeply and aggravate digital eye strain. Extended exposure to blue light can cause momentary blurriness and discomfort by interfering with the eye's natural focusing function.

Poor ergonomics: When a display is positioned incorrectly for example, too close or too far away it might make it harder for the eyes to focus. Blurriness may result from strain as a result of this.

Tips to stay safe

Follow the 20-20-20 rule: Take a 20-second break every 20 minutes to look at anything 20 feet away, suggests Dr Gupta. This lessens strain and aids in relaxing the eye muscles.

Maintain the appropriate screen distance: Make sure your screen is just below eye level and at a distance of around an arm's length. This placement encourages a more natural viewing angle and lessens strain.

Modify screen settings: Lower screen brightness to a comfortable level and enlarge text for easier reading. Additionally, especially at night, think about utilising screen filters or software that lowers the emission of blue light.

Blink frequently: To keep your eyes moist, deliberately try to blink more frequently. Another way to relieve dry eyes is to use lubricating eye drops or artificial tears.

Ensure appropriate and proper lighting: Steer clear of working in poorly lighted spaces. To lessen the contrast between the screen and the surroundings, make sure your workspace is well-lit which can help ease eye strain.

Regular eye check-ups: See an eye doctor on a frequent basis to keep an eye on the condition of your eyes and to change your prescription if needed. They are able to identify any early indicators of visual issues and offer personalised guidance.

It's critical to take preventative measures for eye health in the modern, digitally oriented world. Extended screen time can often result in blurry vision and digital eye strain, but these problems can be controlled with the right knowledge and precautions.

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