Are you tired of leading a sedentary lifestyle? Instead of merely dreaming of change, it's time to take action. Here are 9 healthy choices to kickstart your journey toward a healthy and stress free existence:

Make better food choices: Ditch junk foods completely. Indulge in fruits, home-cooked meals, and oil-free snacks to fuel your body with nutrients and energy. Focus on everything from iron to calcium, vitamins, minerals and more, and choose your food carefully.

Never skip meals: Say no to ‘I will grab a bite later’ attitude. Nothing is more important than your health. Skipping meals, especially breakfast, can hinder your body's efficiency. Also prioritise consistent meal times for sustained energy throughout the day.

Avoid prolonged sitting: Remaining seated for extended periods without movement can negatively impact your health. Introduce regular movement into your daily routine to counteract sedentary habits and enhance your well-being. If you have a desk job, be sure to take short breaks every few hours to stretch and move around.

Live smoke free: Break free from the shackles of smoking to safeguard your health and the well-being of those around you. While it may seem daunting, with determination, it is entirely achievable. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), quitting smoking significantly reduces the risk of developing various health issues, including respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer.

Revamp your sleep routine: Make quality sleep a priority by following a regular bedtime and aiming for 7-8 hours of rest each night. Additionally, if screens are disrupting your sleep than strictly reduce screen-related distractions.

Stay hydrated: Make it a habit to drink water regularly throughout the day to prevent dehydration, headaches, acidity, and bloating. Studies suggest that adequate hydration is essential to maintain bodily functions, regulate body temperature, and support good health. Besides, by staying hydrated, you can optimise physical performance, improve cognitive function, and stay active.

Pay attention to your posture: Maintaining proper posture not only helps prevent musculoskeletal issues but also contributes to your physical health. According to the American Chiropractic Association, good posture supports optimal spinal alignment, reduces strain on muscles and ligaments, and decreases the risk of developing back and neck pain.

Mind matters: Dedicate time to self-care and emotional equilibrium, and understand the important role of nurturing mental health. Organising both your physical and mental environments creates a sense of calm and structure in your life. Prioritising mental health can reduce the risk of mental illnesses like anxiety and depression, and enhance the quality of life.

Stop procrastinating: Confront problems directly to boost productivity and reduce stress. This helps you attain your aspirations. Research published in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine suggests that overcoming procrastination can lead to reduced stress levels and improved well-being.

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