Here's what to keep in mind (Source: Freepik)

Owing to our sedentary lifestyle, many of us struggle with doing basic activities like climbing a flight of stairs. Instead of getting worked up, it is time to gradually strength train to ace such activities. Experts urge that the key lies in incorporating simple exercises into your routine.

Nupuur Patil, nutritionist, Nupuur Patil Fitness shared the following training pattern:

Cardiovascular conditioning: Engage in aerobic exercises like brisk walking, and jogging. This enhances cardiovascular fitness, strengthens leg muscles, and improves overall stamina, ensuring you can climb stairs without fatigue.

Leg strength training: Focus on leg-centric exercises such as squats, lunges, and leg presses. "Building strength in quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves promotes stability and power, making stair climbing more effortless," said Patil.

Balance and stability exercises: Include exercises that enhance balance and stability, like single-leg stands or stability ball exercises. Improved balance reduces the risk of tripping or stumbling on stairs.

Weight training is a must (Source: Pixabay)

Flexibility training: Incorporate stretching exercises to improve flexibility in the hips, knees, and ankles. Enhanced flexibility aids in a wider range of motion, making stair climbing more comfortable and reducing strain on joints.

Functional movement training: Mimic stair climbing movements with exercises like step-ups, or box jumps. This functional approach targets specific muscle groups involved in stair ascent, promoting muscle memory and coordination.

Some exercises that can help

"These exercises target various muscle groups, enhancing strength, stability, and flexibility," said fitness expert Garima Goyal.

1. Chair squats 

Chair squats are an effective lower body exercise.

*Begin by standing in front of a chair with your feet shoulder-width apart.

*Lower your body towards the chair as if you were about to sit down, keeping your weight on your heels.

*Ensure your knees don't go past your toes.

*Return to the standing position, engaging your quadriceps and glutes. This exercise strengthens your thighs and buttocks, crucial for stair climbing.

2. Side leg lifts 

Targeting the outer thighs and hips, side leg lifts improve hip stability.

*Start by standing next to a chair for support.

*Lift one leg sideways while keeping it straight, then slowly lower it back down. Repeat on the other leg.

This exercise strengthens the muscles essential for lateral movements, enhancing overall leg function.

3. Chair Plank 

Chair planks focus on core strength, which is vital for balance and stability during stair climbing.

*Sit on the edge of a chair and place your hands on the seat, fingers pointing forward.

*Walk your feet forward until your body forms a straight line from head to heels.

*Hold the position, engaging your core muscles.

"This exercise strengthens your core, aiding in maintaining an upright posture while climbing stairs," said Goyal.

Also Read | ‘Fitness starts with defining small goals and then making sure you work every day towards achieving them’: Milind Soman

4. Wall Sits

*Stand with your back against a wall and lower your body into a seated position, as if sitting in an invisible chair.

*Hold for as long as you can to strengthen your quadriceps and glutes.

5. Step-Ups

*Utilise a sturdy step or platform.

*Step up with one foot, bringing the opposite knee towards your chest. Step back down and switch legs.

"This exercise mimics stair climbing, targeting your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes," Goyal said.

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