Social anxiety is usually labelled as shy or introverted but is extremely different and popular. Visiting guests or hosting family dinners or weekend plans giving you chills and nightmares is leading to anxious feelings.

Social anxiety disorder is accompanied by racing thoughts, chills and sweat, nausea and stomach pain, heavy chest, breathing difficulties, and trembling body. People experiencing this have a constant fear of being judged and negatively evaluated.

Social media is adding to social anxiety; the pressure of living a perfect life and having it all is exploiting the life and mental health

Social Anxiety Disorder can be managed with following tips.

• Understand and Acceptance of Anxious thoughts and feelings – Anxiety is not your fault. It is not a choice and not being hard on self is the first step towards acceptance and management of this social disorder.

• Self-Care and Self-Love – Picking hobbies, learning new skills, being open to new ideas and putting yourself first and validating your emotions, thoughts and feelings is called selfless self-love, nobody is harmed with this and is extremely important to boosting your self-esteem.

• Positive Self Talk – Appreciate yourself for trying and for the daily efforts taken for daily battles you fight within yourself and outside. Celebrate your achievements, appreciate your efforts and also give time to heal and embrace the scars gracefully.

• Acceptance of your feelings is very important - Accept the way you feel. Channelize your emotions in a healthy manner, denial or suppressing the thoughts and feelings could raise to cluster of unhealthy coping mechanisms

• Take small steps to walk out of the shell/closed walls – Initiate with small steps, starting with meeting a friend or two, attending small family gathering, avoid online shopping, and visit markets to practice communication with different kind of individuals

• Choose your battle wisely – Even after moving out of your comfort zone, give yourself the liberty of choosing your peace. Everything and every topic does not need attention. Feel free to choose your interest and the situation you would want to invest in.

• And most importantly seek timely help of Mental Health Professional.

Building Confidence in Social Situations

• Be yourself – Accept yourself with your beautiful flaws also. Everybody is different and have their own essence, so do you; let your essence spread. Remind yourself of your achievements and have faith in your practice.

• Small Talks in small groups to begin with, show interest in other people and ask basic questions about them like work, interest of movies and food etc

• Practice Speaking - Use a mirror or seek help of your friends, move out in market to interact with others and avoid online shopping which tends to isolate you from others.

• Positive self-talk and remind yourself of the achievements in the journey till day. Every Achievement and effort you have taken is important.

• Usage of Grounding Techniques when brain fogging or overthinking triggers your social anxiety. Activate your sensory organs by watching something pleasant, holding table near you, sipping water or much small bites.

• Allow yourself to make mistakes. That is what makes us humans and mistakes are not the end of the world it is one new step to learning and growing.

(Dr. Syed Saquib, M.B.B.S, D.P.M, F.I.P.S, Consultant, Neuro-Psychiatrist, Sexologist and co-Founder of Medymind by Medyseva)


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