What are the ways to lose fat? (Source: Freepik)

In our quest to achieve a well-toned physique, many of us tend to try every method in the book. But more than succumbing to the pressure, it is about making lifestyle choices and building habits that can make a difference. To help you break down the process, health, wellness, and weight loss expert Simran Valecha shared a few realistic measures that can help you stay on track with your goals.

*Scientifically, you need only 28 minutes to have a solid effective workout so if you’re spending over an hour in the gym, you’re doing it wrong!

*Strength train 3-4x a week: one-day full body, one-day upper body, one day lower body, and if you go the fourth day then full body again!

*Make sure you take a break and get time to recover! Lifting weights daily is going to get you NOWHERE, Valecha said.

*Now, in addition to strength training, you need a balanced diet with protein, carbs, fats, and vegetables! "Yes, a fully balanced diet, not just protein," shared Valecha.

It is important to note that strength training exercises work by boosting the body’s metabolism and increasing muscle growth, thus improving the body’s capability to burn more fat in the long term. Cardio exercises strengthen the lungs and heart by increasing the blood flow. They build up their endurance by training muscles to use oxygen better.

Strength training is important (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstock)

Bala Krishna Reddy Dabbedi, co-founder and director, Fittr said that weight is the sum of fat, muscle, blood, water, and our organs. "Fat loss refers to weight loss from fat, and it’s a more specific and healthful goal than weight loss. The meaning of fitness is no longer limited to working out. The right amount of protein, fats, carbohydrates, and other nutrients is essential for all, irrespective of gender, age, or geographical location," Dabbedi told indianexpress.com.

Also Read | How to burn ‘flabby skin’ fat?

Technological advancements have transformed the fitness industry and enabled people to meet their long-lost fitness goals on time. With the rise of customer-centric apps, eating healthy and staying fit has become more accessible. They allow users to quantify their meals and track their nutrition consumption. Detailed nutritional information about food and monitoring progress can help make informed decisions about one's fat loss strategy, Dabbedi added.

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