
Should you eat your meals according to hunger cues or the clock?

Will consuming your meals only when you are hungry prove to be beneficial for you? Expert elucidates

7 simple habits that couples in a lasting relationship follow

Building a lasting relationship takes effort, commitment, and a willingness to cultivate healthy habits together. Whether you're embarking on a new journey or looking to strengthen an existing bond, adopting simple yet effective habits can make all the difference. Let's explore the key habits that couples in enduring relationships often follow, offering insights into how you can nurture a strong and lasting connection with your partner....

8 habits to help you be more mindful and happy in life

In today’s busy world finding happiness and staying present can be challenging but still immensely important. Here, we’ve got 8 easy habits which can help you achieve more mindfulness and happiness in your life.

I work 2 full-time jobs from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. I'm sacrificing sleep, friends, and hobbies so I can retire in my 30s.

A Gen-Z coollege graduate works two jobs from home to achieve financial independence in her 30s.

Radhika Merchant stuns in Sabyasachi: A bridesmaid look straight out of a fairytale

Radhika Merchant, a trendsetter blending luxury and tradition, exudes effortless elegance and natural beauty with iconic style.

8 habits seen in rich and successful people

Successful and rich people often have some essential habits that help them effectively achieve their goals and desires. Here, we have got 8 such habits that can help you become wealthy and achieve success.

A woman lost 44 pounds after ditching fad diets and excessive cardio. She says 2 simple lifestyle changes helped her lose weight.

Everything changed for Bethany Dobson, who's now a personal trainer and fat-loss coach, when she learned how to lose weight healthily and sustainably.

Yoga For Heart Health: 7 Best Yoga Poses That Boosts Cardiovascular Health

Keeping your heart healthy involves several aspects such as diet, lifestyle and fitness among others. Certain yoga poses are also known to benefit your heart. Read on to know more about the best yoga poses that help to boost cardiovascular health.

7 health and longevity secrets to borrow from Amitabh Bachchan

Learn the health and longevity secrets of Bollywood's megastar, Amitabh Bachchan, at 81. Discover his exercise routine, balanced diet, and mindful eating habits for a fit lifestyle. His enduring career and active lifestyle offer valuable insights into maintaining health and longevity. Here are seven health and longevity secrets we can borrow from Amitabh Bachchan.

10 Interesting Facts About People Who Like to Be Alone

Here are 10 interesting facts about people who like to be alone. If you like being alone most of the time, you will relate to this list a lot. And if you're more social and outgoing, this video will provide you with valuable insight into the truly amazing world of the lone wolf personality type so that you can better understand the loners in your life. While it's easy to say that people who enjoy being alone are just more introverted or shy, there's actually more to the quiet type. In fact, there are many special personality traits of people who like to be alone. Loners also tend to be highly intuitive people, and their intuition is a powerful guiding force in their lives. So, whether you were born to be a loner or just want to learn more about these folks, you'll learn a lot from this video. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Subscribe To Our Channel for More Videos Like This! TWITTER: FACEBOOK:

Superfoods for heart health: Lower cholesterol naturally with these 7 foods in your heart healthy diet

Experiencing frequent chest pain, shortness of breath, or fatigue could be silent indicators of plaque buildup in your arteries. This condition, known as atherosclerosis, can lead to serious cardiovascular issues if left unchecked. However, the good news is that including certain superfoods into your diet can help naturally clear plaque from your arteries and promote heart health. Plaque buildup in the arteries is caused by the accumulation of...

Early signs of heart disease that you should never ignore: Causes, symptoms, tips to prevent aortic stenosis

If you've been feeling short of breath, experiencing chest pain, and dizziness, it might be due to aortic stenosis, a cardiac condition that can lead to heart failure if left untreated. Here are the causes, symptoms, and tips to reduce its risk.

What are the realistic ways to lose fat and look toned?

The meaning of fitness is no longer limited to working out. The right amount of protein, fats, carbohydrate, and other nutrients is essential for all, irrespective of gender, age, or geographical location, said Bala Krishna Reddy Dabbedi, co-founder and director, Fittr

From Burpees To Lunges: 8 Exercises That Help In Long-Term Weight Loss

It is important that you perform exercises that help you in long-term and sustained weight loss. When you lose weight quickly, there are chances that you will also gain the very quickly. Therefore, it is important to adopt practices that help in long-term weight loss. Read on to know the best exercises that help in long-term weight loss.

I'm a Gen Z professional who wears my natural Afro and bold outfits to work. Other generations don't understand how we dress.

Maya Penn incorporates her personal style into her professional wardrobe as a proud member of Gen Z. She encourages her employees to do the same.

Weight Loss Story: This 32-Year-Old Woman Lost 68 Kgs With A Strict Diet; Here’s Her Story

Real-life weight loss story: Losing weight seems impossible especially when you are a foodie. But this 32-year-old Anshi Rathod proved it wrong by losing 68 kgs in three years and coming back in shape more stronger and confident. But how did she undergo this massive transformation? Read on to know more.

High blood pressure in children: Causes, symptoms, treatment and lifestyle changes

High blood pressure, or hypertension, in children is an emerging health concern that necessitates increased awareness and proactive management. Unlike adults, children with high blood pressure often do not exhibit obvious symptoms, making it a silent but significant threat. The causes of hypertension in children can be divided into primary, often related to genetic and lifestyle factors, and secondary, linked to underlying health conditions....

More energy and defined abs — here's how one man finally got the body he wanted by doing less in the gym

After years of working with personal trainers without results, a 45-year-old achieved his goal by doing less and simplifying his diet and workouts.

Every The Sims 4 Life Stage Explained

A Sim's life is filled with ups and downs, and with eight Life Stages in The Sims 4, it's important to make the most of each before they're gone.

6 benefits of drinking black coffee every morning

For many, the ritual of starting the day with a steaming cup of black coffee isn't just about the rich aroma or the bold taste; it's a cherished tradition that kickstarts their morning routine for many more reasons. Beyond its comforting allure, black coffee boasts a plethora of health benefits that have been celebrated for centuries. From its antioxidant properties to its potential to enhance cognitive function, here's a deep dive into why...

Four healthy lifestyle choices could add years to your life, regardless of your genes, scientists say

The first study to compare the impact of lifestyle changes and genes on our longevity identified four things that could help us live years longer.

My two Bangalores: Street and luxury

At street corners, one can find a plethora of modest restaurants serving tasty inexpensive food. Bengaluru has a whole range of artisanal cheeses, kombuchas, breads and even paan

Vidyut Jammwal Busts Fitness Myths For Fans, Says 'It's Okay To Not Be Thin, It's Not Okay To Be Unhappy' | Excl

Vidyut maintains a great physique, his toned body inspires fans and he has always been a motivating factor to the netizens. In a recent exclusive conversation with Zoom, the actor busts many fitness myths.

Morning or night shower? Which is best for your health

For most people, taking a shower is a daily ritual, but have you ever considered how your health might be impacted by when you take one? Which showering time is actually best for your health—morning or night? This debate will help everyone to learn some unexpected information regarding the query.

A woman who lost 55 pounds by making 2 simple changes shared 10 fat loss lessons she learned

Megan Tjelle lost 55 pounds through walking and eating in a calorie deficit. She then went on weight loss drug Wegovy to lose a further 50.

I'm a nutritionist who follows the Mediterranean diet. Here are 9 mistakes people make and what to do instead.

Nutritionist Elena Paravantes grew up eating the Mediterranean diet in Greece and now busts myths about it.

Avoid These 8 Lifestyle Habits That Lead To Early Ageing

Adopting a healthy lifestyle not only increases your lifespan but also reverses early signs of ageing. While genetics may seem like the main factor, maintaining a youthful appearance is possible by following healthy habits and staying disciplined.These habits can magically impact the ageing trajectory. On the contrary, there are habits that speed up the ageing process and compromise overall health. Here are some to avoid as much as possible to...

Nutritionist Shares A Healthy And Simple Sugar-Free Ladoo Recipe To Keep Your Calories In Check

Ladoos are a traditional Indian delicacy that is frequently enjoyed during festivals and celebrations. They are, however, high in calories, sugar, and fat, which can be damaging to your health, particularly if you have diabetes or are attempting to lose weight. In this article, we'll present a sugar-free ladoo recipe that's not only delicious but are also healthful and filling.

Himalayan Pink Salt: Know How This Ayurvedic Wonder Regulates Low Blood Pressure

Himalayan Salt, also known as pink salt, is a wonderful Ayurvedic ingredient that helps balance low blood pressure. It is less processed than table salt and contains trace nutrients and minerals. Pink salt also provides various other health benefits, which include boosting metabolism, and digestion, aiding a healthy weight loss and even relieving stress and tension.

8 habits you need to replace to be successful in life

From stopping procrastination to being more particular about one's time management, here we list down some habits you need to replace to be successful in life.

The ultimate guide to finding the smartwatch that suits your lifestyle

Smartwatches are no longer just fitness trackers or vital monitoring devices that comfortably bring tech to our wrists. Here is your ultimate guide to finding the smartwatch that suits your lifestyle.

Are post-meal walks advisable for those with a history of heart disease?

Post meal walks have been proven to aid digestion and provide a plethora of health benefits. But, is it good for you if you ve suffered from a heart disease in the past?

10 Korean habits that'll keep you looking young and energetic

Incorporating these Korean habits into your daily routine can help you achieve a healthier, more youthful, and energetic lifestyle.

Benefits of cycling in your 50s: Manage weight, reduce stress, control blood pressure

Entering your 50s is a significant milestone that often brings a shift in focus towards maintaining and enhancing overall health and well-being. Among the various activities that can support this goal, cycling stands out as an excellent choice. Whether you’re rekindling a childhood passion or trying something new, cycling offers a host of benefits that are particularly advantageous for individuals in their 50s. It’s a versatile, low-impact...

Keep calm and drink coffee if you are sitting for too long. It's good for health

A new study reveals that drinking coffee can reduce the health risks associated with prolonged sitting. The research highlights the potential protective effects of coffee against cardiovascular diseases and all-cause mortality.

Five positive habits that can boost your self-confidence

How to avoid falling into the trap of self-doubt, imbibe positivity and regain self-worth

Stress could be your heart's worst enemy. Here's why

Stress can be associated with major risk factors for heart disease, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity and physical inactivity.

To eat or not to eat oats: Unraveling the truth about daily consumption

Consuming oats provides essential nutrients, but excess intake may lead to blood sugar spikes and digestive issues. Balancing with protein and fats can help manage blood sugar levels and reduce allergy risks.

Ditch videshi foods like avocadoes, blueberries and instead swap with these 9 desi nutritious foods

Let us debunk the myth that good health requires expensive, imported ingredients.

Struggling To Limit Alcohol? Follow These Expert Tips To Regain Control

Are you starting to worry about your alcohol intake? Perhaps your weekend gatherings with friends have become a regular habit. This could be a sign that it’s time to take control. Excessive alcohol consumption can result in numerous serious health problems. Health professionals have been warning us about the harmful effects of overindulgence in alcohol for quite some time.Previously, the World Health Organisation (WHO) issued a stark warning,...

How to avoid unhealthy comparison - the thief of joy

Mental health experts share some pointers that can help address unhealthy comparison inflicted by self or others

Complete diet plan for diabetics to lower blood sugar

Prevent diabetes by following WHO recommendations on lifestyle changes. Manage blood sugar levels by including low GI foods, non-starchy vegetables, lean proteins, nuts, seeds, and spices in the diet. Practice portion control and have regular meals.

38-year-old woman says high-protein meals helped her lose over 63 kgs; we find out if that can be possible

Our bodies require a steady supply of nutrients, particularly carbohydrates, protein, and iron, to fuel physical activity and maintain stamin

Habits to be more productive at work

Do you often find yourself procrastinating? Or, are you struggling to meet the deadlines at work? Here we list down 10 habits that can help you be more productive at the workplace.

10 habits that can change your life for the better

Who doesn't want to be happy and successful in life? If you also aspire to be so, here we list down 10 habits you can cultivate in order to align with your highest self.

7 money-saving tips for housewives

Managing a household budget efficiently is crucial for housewives to achieve financial stability and maximize savings. Creating a budget, meal planning, using coupons and cashback, reducing utility costs, embracing DIY projects, shopping smart, and having an emergency fund are all key strategies to save money and avoid financial dependence on a spouse. These tips help housewives make the most of their family's finances and ensure their own...

8 ancient Japanese techniques to reduce stress quickly

Adding these ancient Japanese techniques into daily life can offer valuable tools for stress reduction and promote holistic well-being. By embracing mindfulness, connecting with nature, and nurturing inner harmony, we can manage through life’s challenges.

Simplest habits that may destroy a relationship

To maintain a strong relationship, partners must actively communicate their needs and engage in open dialogues. Expressing gratitude and acknowledging each other's value are essential. Quality time, resolving conflicts, and reciprocating small gestures contribute to a thriving connection. Supporting personal growth, emotional presence, surprise, intimacy, and affection are vital for a lasting bond.

Combatting heart attack: The 5 'S' battle plan to keep the heart healthy

To combat the silent epidemic of heart diseases, an expert emphasised the importance of avoiding the 5 'S': salt, sugar, sitting, sleep, and stress.

Weightlifting even at 60 keeps legs stronger for years: Study

New research reveals that lifting heavy weights thrice a week around retirement age can significantly preserve leg strength in later life, providing robust evidence for resistance training benefits.