
Superfoods for heart health: Lower cholesterol naturally with these 7 foods in your heart healthy diet

Experiencing frequent chest pain, shortness of breath, or fatigue could be silent indicators of plaque buildup in your arteries. This condition, known as atherosclerosis, can lead to serious cardiovascular issues if left unchecked. However, the good news is that including certain superfoods into your diet can help naturally clear plaque from your arteries and promote heart health. Plaque buildup in the arteries is caused by the accumulation of...

Girl Living Off the Grid, Making a New Journey Build a new Survival Shelter in the Wild

Girl Living Off the Grid, Making a New Journey Build a new Survival Shelter in the Wild

8 habits seen in rich and successful people

Successful and rich people often have some essential habits that help them effectively achieve their goals and desires. Here, we have got 8 such habits that can help you become wealthy and achieve success.

Managing hypertension in India: Adopt these 5 lifestyle tweaks for better heart health

Combatting hypertension the Indian way: 5 expert-recommended lifestyle modifications that every Indian should adopt for improved heart health.

My two Bangalores: Street and luxury

At street corners, one can find a plethora of modest restaurants serving tasty inexpensive food. Bengaluru has a whole range of artisanal cheeses, kombuchas, breads and even paan

What stress does to your body and how you can manage it better

Stress not only impacts our brain but also affects various parts of our body.

How to avoid unhealthy comparison - the thief of joy

Mental health experts share some pointers that can help address unhealthy comparison inflicted by self or others

Habits to be more productive at work

Do you often find yourself procrastinating? Or, are you struggling to meet the deadlines at work? Here we list down 10 habits that can help you be more productive at the workplace.

From healthy heart to strong bones, here are 7 reasons why you must add sesame oil to your daily cooking

Oils play a vital role in everyday cooking, influencing your health and well-being, from heart health to skin radiance. Choosing the right oil is essential. Among the diverse options available, sesame oil, also known as til oil, emerges as a good choice. Sesame oil provides a variety of health benefits when used in cooking. Its composition, rich in antioxidants and essential fatty acids, makes it a valuable addition to your culinary repertoire....

Weightlifting even at 60 keeps legs stronger for years: Study

New research reveals that lifting heavy weights thrice a week around retirement age can significantly preserve leg strength in later life, providing robust evidence for resistance training benefits.

A woman who lost 55 pounds by making 2 simple changes shared 10 fat loss lessons she learned

Megan Tjelle lost 55 pounds through walking and eating in a calorie deficit. She then went on weight loss drug Wegovy to lose a further 50.

This is how long you need to sit, sleep, and exercise in a day

The study revealed a clear trend: less sitting, more standing, activity, and sleep were associated with better health outcomes.

Weight Loss Story: This 24-Year-Old Girl Lost 26 Kgs In 5 Months With Home Workouts - Here’s Her Story

Real-life weight loss story: Losing weight is tough but if there is a will, there is a way. Ashwini Gaigole decided to lose weight no matter what. Being a nursing student, losing weight was not a cakewalk for her, she made sure to take one step at a time and started her weight loss journey with an aim to walk 10k steps everyday. Read on to know what other simple changes she made in her lifestyle to achieve her goal.

I work 2 full-time jobs from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. I'm sacrificing sleep, friends, and hobbies so I can retire in my 30s.

A Gen-Z coollege graduate works two jobs from home to achieve financial independence in her 30s.

8 benefits of swimming everyday

Swimming is a full-body workout. It engages nearly all your major muscle groups, promoting overall strength and endurance.

A complete guide to women's skin and haircare through different stages of life

This comprehensive guide emphasizes the multifaceted factors influencing women's skin and hair wellness at various life stages. From managing acne during puberty to addressing postpartum hair loss, the author, Dr. Kalyani Deshmukh, provides practical insights and recommendations. With a focus on tailored skincare routines, nutritional considerations, and holistic approaches, the guide encourages consistent care and emphasizes the role of a...

Superfood Saga: 10 lesser-known benefits of humble banana

Embrace lesser-known banana benefits and reap the rewards of this extraordinary fruit.

Want To Stay Healthy In Your 60s? Adopt These 5 Habits

It is so easy to get caught up in the rush of daily life that we overlook the value of our health. We frequently prioritise our jobs, relationships, and responsibilities over our well-being. As you age and enter your 60s, you start recognising the importance of self-care and following healthy habits so as to live a long life. These are not too complicated or don’t involve multiple steps.Let’s take a look at them.Stay Hydrated-Drinking inadequate...

8 habits you need to replace to be successful in life

From stopping procrastination to being more particular about one's time management, here we list down some habits you need to replace to be successful in life.

10 Korean habits to stay young and energetic

Let's delve into 10 Korean habits that can help you maintain a youthful glow and boundless energy.

Radhika Merchant stuns in Sabyasachi: A bridesmaid look straight out of a fairytale

Radhika Merchant, a trendsetter blending luxury and tradition, exudes effortless elegance and natural beauty with iconic style.

How Couples Can Overcome Relationship Issues And Stay Happy

Sometimes even the happiest couples face hard times in relationships. This can include having constant conflicts or feeling stressed about the relationship or your partner. But sometimes these arguments in relationships turn into something more serious, like depression, which is often referred to as “relationship depression.” It is hard to navigate and can evoke a feeling of loneliness in the partner. This situation erupts when partners do not...

​Priya Mani Raj turns heads in her traditional ensembles​

​Priya Mani Raj turns heads in her traditional ensembles​

A no-nonsense guide to eating healthy while dining out

With a mindful approach, you can ensure to not compromise on the health quotient even if you are eating out.

7 simple habits that couples in a lasting relationship follow

Building a lasting relationship takes effort, commitment, and a willingness to cultivate healthy habits together. Whether you're embarking on a new journey or looking to strengthen an existing bond, adopting simple yet effective habits can make all the difference. Let's explore the key habits that couples in enduring relationships often follow, offering insights into how you can nurture a strong and lasting connection with your partner....

10 Interesting Facts About People Who Like to Be Alone

Here are 10 interesting facts about people who like to be alone. If you like being alone most of the time, you will relate to this list a lot. And if you're more social and outgoing, this video will provide you with valuable insight into the truly amazing world of the lone wolf personality type so that you can better understand the loners in your life. While it's easy to say that people who enjoy being alone are just more introverted or shy, there's actually more to the quiet type. In fact, there are many special personality traits of people who like to be alone. Loners also tend to be highly intuitive people, and their intuition is a powerful guiding force in their lives. So, whether you were born to be a loner or just want to learn more about these folks, you'll learn a lot from this video. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Subscribe To Our Channel for More Videos Like This! TWITTER: FACEBOOK:

5 things to add in daily habits that lead to weight loss

Discover 5 daily habits backed by research to aid weight loss. These 5 daily habits are supported by research and can help you effectively lose those extra kilograms. Adopting these 5 daily habits can significantly contribute to your weight loss efforts. Stay committed to these habits, and over time, you’ll see the results.

Lesser known benefits of adding Papaya to the daily diet

Papaya, a versatile fruit, is packed with nutrients like Vitamin C, A, fiber, folate, potassium, magnesium, and antioxidants. It offers numerous health benefits such as immune support, digestive health, and vision health.

High Blood Pressure Treatment: 5 Lifestyle Changes You Should Make To Manage High BP

High blood pressure can be a cause of several health conditions, such as stroke and heart attack among several others. Hence, the condition is also known to be a ‘silent killer’. If you have extremely high blood pressure, your doctor will prescribe medications. However, high BP can also be managed by making certain lifestyle changes. Read on to know the changes you should make to manage high BP.

Avoid These 8 Lifestyle Habits That Lead To Early Ageing

Adopting a healthy lifestyle not only increases your lifespan but also reverses early signs of ageing. While genetics may seem like the main factor, maintaining a youthful appearance is possible by following healthy habits and staying disciplined.These habits can magically impact the ageing trajectory. On the contrary, there are habits that speed up the ageing process and compromise overall health. Here are some to avoid as much as possible to...

The ultimate guide to finding the smartwatch that suits your lifestyle

Smartwatches are no longer just fitness trackers or vital monitoring devices that comfortably bring tech to our wrists. Here is your ultimate guide to finding the smartwatch that suits your lifestyle.

Ditch videshi foods like avocadoes, blueberries and instead swap with these 9 desi nutritious foods

Let us debunk the myth that good health requires expensive, imported ingredients.

From Burpees To Lunges: 8 Exercises That Help In Long-Term Weight Loss

It is important that you perform exercises that help you in long-term and sustained weight loss. When you lose weight quickly, there are chances that you will also gain the very quickly. Therefore, it is important to adopt practices that help in long-term weight loss. Read on to know the best exercises that help in long-term weight loss.

A woman lost 44 pounds after ditching fad diets and excessive cardio. She says 2 simple lifestyle changes helped her lose weight.

Everything changed for Bethany Dobson, who's now a personal trainer and fat-loss coach, when she learned how to lose weight healthily and sustainably.

38-year-old woman says high-protein meals helped her lose over 63 kgs; we find out if that can be possible

Our bodies require a steady supply of nutrients, particularly carbohydrates, protein, and iron, to fuel physical activity and maintain stamin

High blood pressure in children: Causes, symptoms, treatment and lifestyle changes

High blood pressure, or hypertension, in children is an emerging health concern that necessitates increased awareness and proactive management. Unlike adults, children with high blood pressure often do not exhibit obvious symptoms, making it a silent but significant threat. The causes of hypertension in children can be divided into primary, often related to genetic and lifestyle factors, and secondary, linked to underlying health conditions....

Weight loss story: How losing weight motivated this woman to become a beauty queen

Vaishali Dhanda, a 44-year-old model and jewelry designer, shares her weight loss journey. In 2019, she struggled with pain in her legs and back, but in 2020, she decided to make a change. Through a dedicated workout routine and disciplined diet, she lost 15 kilos in 8 months. She participated in beauty pageants and now actively models and collaborates with brands. Dhanda emphasizes the importance of balanced meals, portion control, and regular...

10 Habits That Sabotage Your Career Growth

This Web Story unveils 10 sneaky habits that can stall your career growth, from constant procrastination to neglecting your network. Learn how to break free and climb the ladder to success!

Habits of successful leaders in the workplace

Successful leaders often show specific traits and habits that help them succeed in the workplace. Here we list down some key habits of successful leaders:

5 Exercises To Lower The Risk Of Anxiety And Boost Mental Health

Exercises not only keeps you fit physically but also impacts your mental well-being. Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health problems which affect millions of people around the globe. Hence, it’s essential to choose activities that you enjoy and that align with your fitness level. Here we have listed easy to do daily exercises to boost your mental health. Read on.

Top lifestyle habits that raise risk of dementia

Not just genetic factors, dementia risk is also linked to faulty lifestyle choices be it leading a sedentary lifestyle or eating processed foods.

How Does Nutrition Affect Our Daily Routine?

Food is not just something we consume; it is our body’s essential fuel that provides us with the necessary nutrients to support our overall well-being. Every bite we take supplies our cells and systems with the energy they need to thrive and function optimally.Whether it’s the proteins that aid growth and repair, the carbohydrates that provide energy, or the vitamins and minerals that support various bodily functions, the nutrients in food play...

Home Decor: Tips For Decorating Small Apartments

'Small' is just a concept and has nothing to do with design and styling. You can always have fun while designing any apartment, be it huge or miniscule. Since space is a constraint in many homes in a metropolitan, using space friendly furniture can add a lot of value to your design. We now see a lot of transformable furniture, for eg. something like a sofa one minute and bed the other, which is a great way to save space. In addition, keeping...

Why Are Heart Diseases On Rise? Expert Shares Causes, Risks and Lifestyle Changes To Manage It

Maintaining a healthy heart begins with identifying the cause and the risks of heart disease. Individuals can significantly reduce the risk of developing heart disease and enhance their general cardiovascular health by implementing heart-healthy lifestyle choices. Read on to know causes, risk factors associated with heart diseases, and lifestyle changes to manage it.

Weight Loss Story: Man Goes From 96 Kgs To 75 Kgs By Creating A Calorie Deficit

Weight loss story: Low immunity level and sluggishness pushed this man to shed off kilos and become healthy and fit. He stayed in calorie deficit and would strength train to lose weight and look toned.

Combatting heart attack: The 5 'S' battle plan to keep the heart healthy

To combat the silent epidemic of heart diseases, an expert emphasised the importance of avoiding the 5 'S': salt, sugar, sitting, sleep, and stress.

Top 5 Exercises That Can Add Years to Your Life!

Looking to add years to your life? Discover the top 5 exercises that can boost your longevity and improve your overall health. These simple yet effective workouts will help you stay fit, active, and youthful. Watch now to learn how you can incorporate these exercises into your daily routine and start reaping the benefits today! #Longevity #HealthyLiving #Fitness #Exercise #StayYoung #Wellness #HealthyHabits #LifeExtension Disclaimer The materials and the information contained on Natural ways channel are provided for general and educational purposes only and do not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. None of the information on our videos is a substitute for a diagnosis and treatment by your health professional. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provide.

Pranayama for improved blood circulation: 6 essential breathing exercises of Yoga for heart health

Pranayama and heart health: Key Yoga practices, mudras and asanas explained to prevent cardiovascular diseases

Switching to healthy foods in your 40s can add 10 years to life, says study. These are the foods to eat

According to Sameena Ansari, senior dietitian and nutritionist, CARE Hospitals, the increased lifespan can be attributed to the remarkable benefits of a healthy diet to a multitude of factors.

Busting 7 Common Myths About Yoga

Is yoga a sport? Should people from all genders do it? Is yoga boring and too slow for some people? Read on as Ankita Jhunjhunwala, senior yoga trainer with The Art of Living busts some of the common myths about yoga.