One of the nicest spaces to start your morning in or to retreat to after a long day, is your balcony. Chill out there, undisturbed with a hot mug of tea or coffee or a glass of chilled lemonade, whatever grabs your fancy. It makes perfect sense then to give just as much importance to doing up the balcony as much as the rest of the home. We got interiors experts to share key ways to do so…

Weave in muted tones and textures

The colour palette of your balcony should reflect nature. Opt for a base of warm neutrals like beige, taupe, or light brown.


These colours create a sense of serenity and serve as a perfect backdrop for the vibrant greens of your plants. Architect Gagandeep Kapila, Founder and Principal Architect of WMA (Workshop for Metropolitan Architecture) suggests, “Introduce pop of colour with fabrics featuring botanical prints, or any other nature-inspired patterns. Textured elements like woven baskets, seagrass rugs, or macramé boho wall hangings add a sense depth and visual charm. Consider incorporating natural fibres like linen or cotton for throw pillows and cushions, adding a soothing touch and whip up rustic charm,” she adds.

Embrace plant power

The numero uno advantage of having plants around is that they lend the feel of outdoor garden in a concrete, urban home. Not just for nature lovers, plants also purify the air and inject vibrant life and colour into your compact space.


Architect Nirmala Banaji, Principal Architect at Banaji & Associates, shares ways to incorporate them in the balcony. She shares, “Don't waste the wall; utilise the space for hanging planters that showcase trailing vines, ferns, or cascading flowers. You can also group plants together to create a miniature urban jungle or go creative and position them strategically for a pop of colour throughout the balcony. This approach adds a dimension of sustainability to the balcony space.” She further suggests, “Think beyond the typical potted plants. Consider installing a vertical garden on a wall for a unique and space-saving option.”

Accessorise with an earthy touch

The final touch comes through incorporating accessories that complement the earthy theme. Architect Ridhima Singh, Founder and Principal D of Danza Del Design, explains, “Place a woven basket filled with throws or magazines next to your seating area. A small water feature, like a table top fountain, can add a soothing sound element and visual intrigue.” She further says, “Decorate with natural stones or pebbles arranged in a decorative bowl for a touch of texture. Hanging wind chimes made from bamboo or wood would instantly bring in the boho vibe on a breezy day. Strategically placed lanterns with flickering candle flames can further enhance the rooted earthy atmosphere.” By incorporating these elements, you can personalise your balcony and create a space that reflects your unique style and love for nature.

How furnishing brings about tranquility

The furniture in your balcony space sets the stage for its entire ambience. Puneet Budhiraja, Founder at Quba Homes, explains, “Opt for natural materials like wood, wicker, or rattan. Wooden benches or small tables with a hint of weathered finish add a touch of rustic charm. Wicker chairs or a hanging swing seat provide a comfortable spot to unwind and soak in the fresh air.” He further says, “Remember, functionality is key. Choose furniture that can withstand the elements and fold or stack easily for storage when not in use.” Consider incorporating natural textures like woven rugs or throws made from jute, hemp, or sisal. These elements not only bring the outdoors in but are also durable for withstanding balcony weather conditions. For added comfort, throw pillows in earthy tones like beige, brown, terracotta, or olive green can be used to accentuate your seating.

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