Heart attack is a condition wherein the flow of blood to the heart is clocked or severely reduced. Mayo Clinic says this blockage usually happens due to the buildup of fat, cholesterol and other substances in the heart (coronary) arteries. “The fatty, cholesterol-containing deposits are called plaques. The process of plaque buildup is called atherosclerosis.”

There are several factors that might lead to a heart attack such as diet, lifestyle, genetics and more. It is important to take the necessary steps to can help prevent a heart attack. Dr. Mike Hansen, speaking to his subscribers on YouTube, shared “10 rules” to avoid a heart attack. He says following these steps can help considerably reduce the risks. Read on to know the rules.

Don’t do cocaine

“Cocaine: don't do it, because cocaine is a hell of a drug,” said Dr Hansen. Cocaine is the “perfect heart attack drug”, says the American Heart Association. It can cause angina and reduced blood flow to the heart, high blood pressure, stiff arteries and thick heart muscle walls. It can also lead to heart infections and damage cardiac tissues.

Don’t smoke cigarettes

Dr Hansen said, “The risk for a heart attack can be decreased by 65 percent after quitting smoking.” It is extremely important to give up smoking.

Reduce stress

Stress can lead to several health issues including heart attacks and therefore, it is important that you manage your stress. Dr Hansen says one should do outdoor activities like going for a walk or going for a hike, meditation, getting good sleep, keeping a journal and spending time with friends and family to reduce stress.

Exercise regularly

Dr Hansen said that one should ‘ideally’ be exercising for at least 150 minutes a week. “Even getting up and going for a walk is much better than doing nothing.”

Intermittent fasting

Dr Hansen said that this way gives you the “same benefits as exercise”. He added, “The most practical way of doing intermittent fasting and what I do is time restricted eating or time-restricted feeding, for example, I'll eat in an eight hour window and then I’ll fast for 16 hours.”

Eat foods with plenty of omega-3s

Dr Hansen says that it is important to cut down on processed foods and foods that lead to insulin resistance, inflammation and oxidative stress. Dr Hansen said: “But to get a little more specific number five on this list entails eating foods with plenty of omega-3s, things like salmon, chia seeds, hemp seeds, flax seeds and walnuts are all great sources.

“Now you want at least a gram or two of omega-3s every day.”

Eat plenty of vitamins and mineral

“Eat foods with plenty of vitamins and minerals and antioxidants. That's why vegetables and whole intact grains can't be underestimated, also seeds and nuts,” said Dr Hansen.

Minimise eating foods with saturated fat

It is important that you cut down on foods that have high amounts of saturated fat. Dr Hansen said, “Especially when it's coming from beef and pork, especially if they're processed meats like pepperoni, bacon and the like.”

Eat plenty of fibre

Dr Hansen said, “Most of us consume 10 to 15 grams of fibre per day when we should be getting at least 25 to 30 per day.” Fibre helps to keep your heart healthy and people should eat plenty of soluble and insoluble fibre.

Avoid foods with added sugar or refined carbohydrates

Added sugar is high in processed foods and therefore, you should avoid them. Dr Hansen said, “Eating less than 25 grams of added sugar per day is probably the most important thing that you can do to improve your overall health and this includes reducing your risk of a heart attack.”

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