Diabetes is a complex and multifactorial disease that affects millions of people globally. While the consumption of sugar is often highlighted as the primary cause of diabetes this perspective just oversimplifies the main issue. Diabetes, particularly type-2 diabetes is influenced by a number of factors like genetics, lifestyle choices, and environmental factors.

The fact is that eating sugar does not cause diabetes. When one eats carbohydrates which include sugary foods and starch they get digested into glucose which is also called sugar. Glucose acts as the primary source of energy. The glucose levels in our body are regulated by hormones, insulin lowers glucose and glucagon raises it. diabetes is mainly caused due to an impairment in insulin secretion and/or function.

Insulin allows glucose to travel from the blood into our cells so that the organs, mainly the heart, skeletal muscle, and fat cells use glucose for energy production. When the glucose isn’t processed properly it’s level increases inside and outside of the cells which causes fatal damage to many important organs over a period of time.

There are two main forms of diabetesType 1 Diabetes- it is usually diagnosed in children and adolescents though it can be found in adult patients as well. It mainly occurs when a person’s immune system attacks and kills they insulin- producing cells of the pancreas.

Type 2 Diabetes- it is mainly diagnosed during adult life and has it’s roots in a condition known as insulin resistance. The pancreas produces insulin but the organs do not respond to it normally. During the starting stage, the pancreas work harder to produce more insulin to maintain glucose levels. Over time, the pancreas then loses the ability to produce more insulin and diabetes ensues.

Warning signs of diabetes seen only during the morning hours

How does sugar affect blood sugar?Consuming sugar leads to an increase in blood glucose levels. In a healthy individual, the pancreas releases insulin to help cells absorb glucose. However, the frequent consumption of foods rich in sugar can lead to insulin resistance which is a hallmark of type-2 diabetes. Over time, the pancreas struggle to produce insulin in enough quantity to keep the blood sugar levels in check.

The impact of sugary beveragesSugary beverages like soda, sweetened coffee and energy drinks are very harmful as they provide a quick and concentrated dose of sugar without the fiber and nutrients that slow down glucose absorption. Studies have proven that there is a strong association between the consumption of sugary drinks and an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Other factors that cause diabetes are:Genetic factor: Family history plays a key role in the development of diabetes. When a person has a parent or a sibling with diabetes then the risk of them developing the condition is higher. Certain genetic markers have been identified to increase the susceptibility to type 2 diabetes.

Obesity: Excess body weight, mainly the visceral fat around the lower abdomen is a major risk factor causing type 2 diabetes. Fat cells release inflammatory markers that contribute to insulin resistance as they both are closely linked and make weight management crucial for diabetes prevention.

Physical inactivity: Living a sedentary lifestyle contributes to type 2 diabetes. Doing some form of physical exercise helps in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels as they increase insulin sensitivity and promoting glucose uptake by muscles.


Prevention and managementLifestyle modifications

Balanced diet- eating a balanced diet rich in whole foods which include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats. Try to control the intake of processed and sugary foods.

Regular exercise- doing some form of physical exercise regularly combined with muscle-strengthening exercises.

Weight management- maintaining a healthy weight can significantly reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Medical interventions

Those who are already diagnosed with diabetes or at a high risk are likely to benefit a lot through medical intervention. These can include-

Medications- various mdications like metformin, insulin and newer classes of drugs like GLP-1 receptor agonists and SCLT2 inhibitors can be really helpful in curbing diabetes.

Regular monitoring- frequent blood sugar monitoring can help in tracking how well management strategies are working and allows for timely adjustments.

So while sugar consumption plays a significant role in the development of type 2 diabetes, it is undoubtedly not the only cause. Diabetes is a multifaceted disease which is influenced by genetic, lifestyle as well as environmental factors.

(Author: Dr. Apurrva Sawant, Preventive Healthcare Expert, Doctor and Founder of Careport)

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