New Delhi: Kidneys play an important role in a healthy body. Apart from filtering the waste products, kidneys control the levels of many substances in the blood, while helping regulate blood pressure. Hence, it is imperative that their most important markers – creatinine levels, a byproduct of muscle metabolism, are kept in check.

Healthy kidneys filter creatinine out of the blood which exits your body as a waste product in urine.

Creatine levels of 1.2 or 1.5 indicate 50 percent kidney failure. A major problem with kidney failure is that there is no early marker for kidney damage, other than an increase in creatinine, and so it is important to keep it under control.

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According to experts, your diet is an important way to check your creatine levels and control them, and so you must eat foods to stop their build-up. A few ways to do so are:

Do not eat too much protein

Studies say eating too much protein can affect creatinine. Red meat has a high protein value and cooking it on high heat causes it to be produced at large levels.

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Many people take diets very high in red meat or other protein sources, including dairy products, and may have higher creatinine levels than people who eat fewer of those foods.

Experts recommend switching over to more vegetable-based dishes to regulate your kidney functions,

Eat more fibre

Fibre is among the most important nutrients for the smooth and regulated function of your body. It not only helps keep your digestion and gut health regulated but also keeps metabolism high, which in turn helps in healthy weight loss. 1

According to studies, those who eat more fibre show a significant reduction in creatinine levels. Fibre is found in many foods, including:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Legumes

Lower your salt intake

If you eat a diet that includes excess salt, it not only leads to water retention but also contributes to high blood pressure levels.

According to experts, processed foods are loaded with sodium and phosphorus, which mainly cause renal issues. 2

Focus more on whole, unprocessed foods, and use spices and herbs to flavor your food when possible.

Stop drinking alcohol

Consuming alcohol is not just destructive for kidney function but also increases the risk of many other related ailments.

According to studies, excessive alcohol damages the kidneys completely and increases conditions like high blood pressure and alcohol dependency. 3

Stay hydrated

Experts recommend drinking water throughout the day to stay hydrated and help kidneys function seamlessly. Dehydration not just shoots up creatinine levels but is also dangerous for your health in the long run.

Severe dehydration can put a strain on the cardiovascular and other systems. It can also be life-threatening, and so to make water more appealing, try:

  • Add some mint
  • Add a slice of lemon, orange, or cucumber to plain water
  • Drink seltzer water or herbal tea
Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a dietician before starting any fitness programme or making any changes to your diet.

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