

I work 2 full-time jobs from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. I'm sacrificing sleep, friends, and hobbies so I can retire in my 30s.

A Gen-Z coollege graduate works two jobs from home to achieve financial independence in her 30s.

More young people are having strokes. A doctor shares 3 ways to help prevent them.

Keeping stroke risk factors, such as high blood pressure and being overweight, under control can lower the risk, a doctor said.

Marriage is hard, but these 3 couples share what makes their decades-long relationships so successful

Three married couples together for over 40 years shared their best relationship tips, from valuing independence to expressing gratitude.

Busting 7 Common Myths About Yoga

Is yoga a sport? Should people from all genders do it? Is yoga boring and too slow for some people? Read on as Ankita Jhunjhunwala, senior yoga trainer with The Art of Living busts some of the common myths about yoga.

Weight Loss Story: Man Goes From 96 Kgs To 75 Kgs By Creating A Calorie Deficit

Weight loss story: Low immunity level and sluggishness pushed this man to shed off kilos and become healthy and fit. He stayed in calorie deficit and would strength train to lose weight and look toned.

3 major factors causing heart health problems in young people

Incorporating meditation, managing chronic stress, and taking preventive measures are essential for a healthy heart. By adopting these practices, individuals can reduce the risk of heart diseases and enhance overall well-being.

From avocados to berries, spinach and more, these anti-ageing foods will nourish your skin from within

If you want your skin to look young and healthy, what you eat is important. Skincare products can help, but true skin health starts from within your body. When you eat foods that are full of good stuff like vitamins and minerals, it helps your skin to renew itself and fight off signs of ageing. Let's look at anti-ageing foods, outlining their advantages and how they contribute to maintaining youthful skin. The potential of anti-ageing...

Weightlifting even at 60 keeps legs stronger for years: Study

New research reveals that lifting heavy weights thrice a week around retirement age can significantly preserve leg strength in later life, providing robust evidence for resistance training benefits.

How to become a morning person and why it is important

Embracing early hours, a morning person benefits from improved productivity, mental clarity, routine, physical activity, self-care, and self-discipline. Reflecting, maximizing daylight, and cultivating discipline contribute to their overall well-being and success. Becoming a morning person can have significant benefits for both physical and mental well-being, as well as productivity and overall quality of life. Here are several reasons why it's...

Beauty tips: 10 dos and don'ts for healthy, beautiful skin during monsoon season

The monsoon season offers a respite from heat, but it also brings skin challenges. During this time, skin becomes prone to breakouts, excess oiliness, and fungal infections, which can diminish the natural glow you aim for. Effective skincare becomes crucial to address these issues and preserve healthy, radiant skin. During the monsoon, several factors contribute to skin issues, explains Dr. (Major) Gurveen Waraich Garekar from Garekars M.D....

10 habits that can change your life for the better

Who doesn't want to be happy and successful in life? If you also aspire to be so, here we list down 10 habits you can cultivate in order to align with your highest self.

Nearly half of India not active enough, says Lancet; Why is it concerning?

Almost 50 per cent of adults in India engaged in insufficient levels of physical activity in 2022

Fitness Regime For Senior Citizens: 7 Effective Exercises To Stay Fit

Maintaining an active lifestyle is essential for seniors to maintain their overall well-being. To keep health risks at bay, it is important for senior citizens to stay fit. Hence, here we have listed seven effective exercises that senior citizens should add in their fitness regime. Read on to know more.

10 Korean habits to stay young and energetic

Let's delve into 10 Korean habits that can help you maintain a youthful glow and boundless energy.

6 morning habits to embrace from successful people

While incorporating these habits might feel challenging initially, sticking with them over time can lead to significant improvements in your energy levels, productivity, and overall sense of well-being.

Neck Pain From Phone Addiction? These Exercises Can Provide Relief

In an era of digitization, phone addiction is inevitable. While smartphones have revolutionized daily life, they also bring health challenges like neck pain, known as "tech neck," due to excessive use. However, there are simple exercises that can help alleviate this discomfort. Read on to learn more about combating tech neck.

This is how long you need to sit, sleep, and exercise in a day

The study revealed a clear trend: less sitting, more standing, activity, and sleep were associated with better health outcomes.

38-year-old woman says high-protein meals helped her lose over 63 kgs; we find out if that can be possible

Our bodies require a steady supply of nutrients, particularly carbohydrates, protein, and iron, to fuel physical activity and maintain stamin

Weight Loss Story: IT engineer went from 89 kg to 72 kg by following this diet and workout routine

Krishnaprasad K J, a 33-year-old IT engineer from Cochin, Kerala, achieved significant weight loss through workouts, leading to a healthier lifestyle, improved work-life balance, and increased physical and mental resilience.

Big shift in India's fitness & nutrition trends

The growing demand for nutritional guidance and fitness coaching is driven by increased awareness of lifestyle disorders and dietary habits. Social media has amplified this consciousness.

A woman who lost 55 pounds by making 2 simple changes shared 10 fat loss lessons she learned

Megan Tjelle lost 55 pounds through walking and eating in a calorie deficit. She then went on weight loss drug Wegovy to lose a further 50.

An 82-year-old woman who runs half-marathons shares 3 simple habits that transformed her heart health

At 82, Wilma King has been completing 13 mile races for over a decade. She said simple daily habits keep her healthy and sharp.

​Priya Mani Raj turns heads in her traditional ensembles​

​Priya Mani Raj turns heads in her traditional ensembles​

Positive thinking and healthy living: 5 tips for a balanced life

Five key practices where affirmations and mindful lifestyle choices work synergistically to heal and rejuvenate the body.

Cardiometabolic health: Essential tips for preventing heart disease and diabetes

From heart to metabolism, cardiometabolic health matters. Here's how to prevent heart disease and diabetes with essential steps to cardiometabolic wellness

Want glass like skin? Here are 5 must things to do

In the pursuit of achieving glass-like skin, a regimen centered around hydration, gentle cleansing, exfoliation, sun protection, and consistency is paramount.

Heart Health: 7-Day Anti-Inflammatory Meal Plan To Help Lower Cholesterol

Cholesterol and heart diseases are among the most common issues people across the world suffer from. According to experts, it all comes down to your lifestyle, which includes a daily diet largely that affects the working of your heart. So, nutritionists recommend chalking out an anti-inflammatory, week-long diet that includes all important food groups that lower cholesterol and kick inflammation. Read on to know about it.

A Deep Dive Into The Side-Effects Of Quitting Tobacco and How To Do It Successfully

The side effects of quitting smoking can be quite severe for some individuals, often leading to withdrawal symptoms due to smoking’s impact on every system in the body. These symptoms commonly include urges to smoke, restlessness, increased hunger, irritability, and negative mood changes. Less frequently, people may experience insomnia, mouth ulcers, and constipation. However, it’s crucial to remember that these side effects are only...

5 Challenges You'll Face in Your Weight Loss Journey

Discover the five unexpected hurdles you'll likely face in your weight loss journey, from unrelenting cravings to the tricky social dynamics of dieting. A must-read for anyone tackling their fitness goals.

7 health and longevity secrets to borrow from Amitabh Bachchan

Learn the health and longevity secrets of Bollywood's megastar, Amitabh Bachchan, at 81. Discover his exercise routine, balanced diet, and mindful eating habits for a fit lifestyle. His enduring career and active lifestyle offer valuable insights into maintaining health and longevity. Here are seven health and longevity secrets we can borrow from Amitabh Bachchan.

Radhika Merchant stuns in Sabyasachi: A bridesmaid look straight out of a fairytale

Radhika Merchant, a trendsetter blending luxury and tradition, exudes effortless elegance and natural beauty with iconic style.

Coffee: A Lifestyle Game Changer and Superfood

Everyone wants to be at the top of their game since we live in a decade that places a high value on health and wellbeing. “Superfoods” are among the most popular categories that have taken up space in headlines and have gained prominence as foods that offer maximum nutritional benefits with minimal calories. Among these nutritional powerhouses, coffee, as a superfood beverage, stands out for its remarkable array of health-promoting...

8 habits you need to replace to be successful in life

From stopping procrastination to being more particular about one's time management, here we list down some habits you need to replace to be successful in life.

Managing hypertension in India: Adopt these 5 lifestyle tweaks for better heart health

Combatting hypertension the Indian way: 5 expert-recommended lifestyle modifications that every Indian should adopt for improved heart health.

​5 Korean beauty hacks that are easiest to follow

​Incorporating these K-beauty hacks into your routine can contribute to healthier and more radiant skin. Remember, consistency is key, and it's essential to pay attention to your skin's specific needs when building a skincare regimen.

Wellness spaces at home: Interior design tips for crafting retreats for ultimate relaxation and rejuvenation

Creating wellness-centric spaces involves incorporating biophilic elements, using colour psychology and focusing on ergonomics and comfort.

Butter yellow is the new 'IT' colour this summer: Here's how you can add it to your wardrobe

Butter Yellow is the hottest colour of the season! For all you fashion lovers out there, here are some expert styling tips to embrace this shade with flair.

9 daily habits that increase happy hormones

Adding these nine habits into your daily routine can help boost your levels of happy hormones, leading to a more joyful and fulfilling life. It's the small, consistent actions that make the biggest difference in your overall well-being.

6 ways that are well-known to reduce cortisol belly fat

Cortisol plays a significant role in managing stress and can lead to 'cortisol belly' fat. Mindful eating and ancient practices like yoga and meditation help reduce cortisol levels and combat stress-induced belly fat. Here are 6 proven methods to help you effectively reduce cortisol belly fat and improve your overall health.

YogMantra | From Moong-Sprouts Pulao to Aloo Methi, Recipes for the Yogic Soul

Strictly speaking, you don’t have to give up your regular food when taking to yoga. Unless, of course, you are suffering from illness, or looking for relief from certain symptoms, or to lose weight.Yoga teachers, in fact, do not encourage sudden changes in food habits, as that could lead to strong reactions in the body. They advise simple and gradual changes, with perseverance.Over time, and especially for serious yoga practitioners, diet...

Pranayama for improved blood circulation: 6 essential breathing exercises of Yoga for heart health

Pranayama and heart health: Key Yoga practices, mudras and asanas explained to prevent cardiovascular diseases

Ditch videshi foods like avocadoes, blueberries and instead swap with these 9 desi nutritious foods

Let us debunk the myth that good health requires expensive, imported ingredients.

Hydration to sleep; 5 lifestyle changes that help with fat loss

Many diets focus on weight loss and not fat loss which could prove to be waste of your efforts in long run. Here're lifestyle changes that can promote fat loss.

Korean skincare tips for lazy girls

​​By following these Korean skincare tips for lazy girls, you can achieve healthy, glowing skin with minimal effort and time investment. Remember to listen to your skin's needs and adjust your routine accordingly to maintain a happy and radiant complexion.

Exercise tips: Stay fit on the go with these 7 travel-friendly exercises that need no equipment

Traditional workouts that require no equipment play a crucial role in maintaining physical health, especially during travel. These exercises offer a myriad of benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, enhanced muscle strength and endurance, and increased flexibility. No-equipment workouts are highly adaptable and can be tailored to suit individual fitness levels and goals, says professional body builder Chitharesh Kongarampilly...

Heart Healthy Diet : How Different Types Of Diet Impact Your Heart

From the Mediterranean diet's celebration of olive oil to the ketogenic diet's embrace of fats, the diversity of dietary philosophies can be both bewildering and enticing.

Keep calm and drink coffee if you are sitting for too long. It's good for health

A new study reveals that drinking coffee can reduce the health risks associated with prolonged sitting. The research highlights the potential protective effects of coffee against cardiovascular diseases and all-cause mortality.

Setting healthy boundaries: Tips to maintain professionalism while protecting your time and energy

Here's how to set healthy boundaries at work and maintain professionalism while protecting your time and energy

Cardiologist on hidden causes of heart attack during physical activity, how to prevent it

Dhoom director Sanjay Gadhvi, 56, passed away while he was out for a morning walk. Here are factors that may lead to heart attack during physical activity.

8 habits seen in rich and successful people

Successful and rich people often have some essential habits that help them effectively achieve their goals and desires. Here, we have got 8 such habits that can help you become wealthy and achieve success.