

Habits of successful leaders in the workplace

Successful leaders often show specific traits and habits that help them succeed in the workplace. Here we list down some key habits of successful leaders:

Weight Loss Story: IT engineer went from 89 kg to 72 kg by following this diet and workout routine

Krishnaprasad K J, a 33-year-old IT engineer from Cochin, Kerala, achieved significant weight loss through workouts, leading to a healthier lifestyle, improved work-life balance, and increased physical and mental resilience.

Busting 7 Common Myths About Yoga

Is yoga a sport? Should people from all genders do it? Is yoga boring and too slow for some people? Read on as Ankita Jhunjhunwala, senior yoga trainer with The Art of Living busts some of the common myths about yoga.

Pranayama for improved blood circulation: 6 essential breathing exercises of Yoga for heart health

Pranayama and heart health: Key Yoga practices, mudras and asanas explained to prevent cardiovascular diseases

7 health and longevity secrets to borrow from Amitabh Bachchan

Learn the health and longevity secrets of Bollywood's megastar, Amitabh Bachchan, at 81. Discover his exercise routine, balanced diet, and mindful eating habits for a fit lifestyle. His enduring career and active lifestyle offer valuable insights into maintaining health and longevity. Here are seven health and longevity secrets we can borrow from Amitabh Bachchan.

Butter yellow is the new 'IT' colour this summer: Here's how you can add it to your wardrobe

Butter Yellow is the hottest colour of the season! For all you fashion lovers out there, here are some expert styling tips to embrace this shade with flair.

Should you eat your meals according to hunger cues or the clock?

Will consuming your meals only when you are hungry prove to be beneficial for you? Expert elucidates

Combatting heart attack: The 5 'S' battle plan to keep the heart healthy

To combat the silent epidemic of heart diseases, an expert emphasised the importance of avoiding the 5 'S': salt, sugar, sitting, sleep, and stress.

Weight Loss Story: Man Goes From 96 Kgs To 75 Kgs By Creating A Calorie Deficit

Weight loss story: Low immunity level and sluggishness pushed this man to shed off kilos and become healthy and fit. He stayed in calorie deficit and would strength train to lose weight and look toned.

8 healthy desi breakfasts to keep heart healthy

Take a look at these healthy desi breakfast options that can help keep your heart healthy and make it work efficiently.

Four healthy lifestyle choices could add years to your life, regardless of your genes, scientists say

The first study to compare the impact of lifestyle changes and genes on our longevity identified four things that could help us live years longer.

Masaba Gupta joins the 5 am club; know more about the practice of self-love, growth

Saurabh Bothra, CEO, Habuild, redefined the 5 am club as the most important habit for self-care and the first step towards self-love, which everyone should take

From Burpees To Lunges: 8 Exercises That Help In Long-Term Weight Loss

It is important that you perform exercises that help you in long-term and sustained weight loss. When you lose weight quickly, there are chances that you will also gain the very quickly. Therefore, it is important to adopt practices that help in long-term weight loss. Read on to know the best exercises that help in long-term weight loss.

I'm a Gen Z professional who wears my natural Afro and bold outfits to work. Other generations don't understand how we dress.

Maya Penn incorporates her personal style into her professional wardrobe as a proud member of Gen Z. She encourages her employees to do the same.

Want to retire rich? Avoid these four financial mistakes when you are young

Starting early on retirement savings is crucial for long-term financial security, taking advantage of compound interest to grow your savings over time

10 Korean habits that'll keep you looking young and energetic

Incorporating these Korean habits into your daily routine can help you achieve a healthier, more youthful, and energetic lifestyle.

Summer fashion trends: Explore the timeless appeal of maxi dresses for chic holidays

Maxi dresses have cemented their place as a summer essential due to their unmatched comfort, versatility, and timeless elegance. By incorporating innovative styling techniques, you can breathe new life into this classic garment, ensuring that your summer wardrobe is as unique and chic as you are. Whether you’re attending a beach party, a garden wedding, or simply enjoying a day out in the sun, a well-styled maxi dress will always make a stunning...

Weightlifting even at 60 keeps legs stronger for years: Study

New research reveals that lifting heavy weights thrice a week around retirement age can significantly preserve leg strength in later life, providing robust evidence for resistance training benefits.

A woman who lost 55 pounds by making 2 simple changes shared 10 fat loss lessons she learned

Megan Tjelle lost 55 pounds through walking and eating in a calorie deficit. She then went on weight loss drug Wegovy to lose a further 50.

8 habits you need to replace to be successful in life

From stopping procrastination to being more particular about one's time management, here we list down some habits you need to replace to be successful in life.

What Is Rice-Zempic? TikTokers Tout Low-Cost Alternative To Ozempic For Weight Loss

Rice-Zempic is a beverage created by mixing rice, water, and lime juice.

A Deep Dive Into The Side-Effects Of Quitting Tobacco and How To Do It Successfully

The side effects of quitting smoking can be quite severe for some individuals, often leading to withdrawal symptoms due to smoking’s impact on every system in the body. These symptoms commonly include urges to smoke, restlessness, increased hunger, irritability, and negative mood changes. Less frequently, people may experience insomnia, mouth ulcers, and constipation. However, it’s crucial to remember that these side effects are only...

Get up, take a walk: How sitting affects your workplace well-being

The perils of an inactive lifestyle, exacerbated by the daily grind of a desk job, are stealthily encroaching upon our well-being.

38-year-old woman says high-protein meals helped her lose over 63 kgs; we find out if that can be possible

Our bodies require a steady supply of nutrients, particularly carbohydrates, protein, and iron, to fuel physical activity and maintain stamin

How to become a morning person and why it is important

Embracing early hours, a morning person benefits from improved productivity, mental clarity, routine, physical activity, self-care, and self-discipline. Reflecting, maximizing daylight, and cultivating discipline contribute to their overall well-being and success. Becoming a morning person can have significant benefits for both physical and mental well-being, as well as productivity and overall quality of life. Here are several reasons why it's...

Vidyut Jammwal Busts Fitness Myths For Fans, Says 'It's Okay To Not Be Thin, It's Not Okay To Be Unhappy' | Excl

Vidyut maintains a great physique, his toned body inspires fans and he has always been a motivating factor to the netizens. In a recent exclusive conversation with Zoom, the actor busts many fitness myths.

Fitness Regime For Senior Citizens: 7 Effective Exercises To Stay Fit

Maintaining an active lifestyle is essential for seniors to maintain their overall well-being. To keep health risks at bay, it is important for senior citizens to stay fit. Hence, here we have listed seven effective exercises that senior citizens should add in their fitness regime. Read on to know more.

Camphor To Neem Leaves, Say Goodbye To Mosquitoes With These DIY Hacks

As the temperatures have begun to soar, mosquitoes have started to invade our homes and spread diseases. Everyone is taking various measures to keep these pesky insects away from entering the house. If no precaution is taken, they can spread dengue and malaria. Keeping mosquitoes at bay has become quite a challenging task and a worrisome one. Firstly, make sure you do not have stagnant water in your house. If yes, then make sure to drain them...

Ditch videshi foods like avocadoes, blueberries and instead swap with these 9 desi nutritious foods

Let us debunk the myth that good health requires expensive, imported ingredients.

'Weekend warriors' who don't exercise during the week can still lose weight, research suggests

If you want to lose weight and burn body fat but don't have time to work out, a "weekend warrior" strategy could help, new research suggests.

8 benefits of swimming everyday

Swimming is a full-body workout. It engages nearly all your major muscle groups, promoting overall strength and endurance.

Take this test to know how stressed you are

The article discusses the hidden signs of stress, including physical and emotional symptoms like headaches, digestive issues, and mood swings. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing these signs to address stress before it leads to more serious health issues. Here's a test curated for you to identify if you are in stress or not. Please answer the following questions honestly.

More energy and defined abs — here's how one man finally got the body he wanted by doing less in the gym

After years of working with personal trainers without results, a 45-year-old achieved his goal by doing less and simplifying his diet and workouts.

Managing hypertension in India: Adopt these 5 lifestyle tweaks for better heart health

Combatting hypertension the Indian way: 5 expert-recommended lifestyle modifications that every Indian should adopt for improved heart health.

How Does Nutrition Affect Our Daily Routine?

Food is not just something we consume; it is our body’s essential fuel that provides us with the necessary nutrients to support our overall well-being. Every bite we take supplies our cells and systems with the energy they need to thrive and function optimally.Whether it’s the proteins that aid growth and repair, the carbohydrates that provide energy, or the vitamins and minerals that support various bodily functions, the nutrients in food play...

10 habits common in children who score high marks

We are parents and it’s our role to plant and nourish these basic skills into our children to help them score good marks

Quick guide to office fashion: 5 trendy tips to style your workwear for a polished and professional look

From smart-casuals to pantsuits, elevate your workwear game with these five trendy tips designed to infuse your professional look with style and sophistication.

From healthy heart to strong bones, here are 7 reasons why you must add sesame oil to your daily cooking

Oils play a vital role in everyday cooking, influencing your health and well-being, from heart health to skin radiance. Choosing the right oil is essential. Among the diverse options available, sesame oil, also known as til oil, emerges as a good choice. Sesame oil provides a variety of health benefits when used in cooking. Its composition, rich in antioxidants and essential fatty acids, makes it a valuable addition to your culinary repertoire....

Are you 25? Here is how to chalk out your financial plan

At 25, the choices you make today can significantly impact your financial future.

Radhika Merchant stuns in Sabyasachi: A bridesmaid look straight out of a fairytale

Radhika Merchant, a trendsetter blending luxury and tradition, exudes effortless elegance and natural beauty with iconic style.

I'm an American who's lived in Paris for 15 years. Taking these 5 notes from the French has really improved my life.

As an American living in Paris, my lifestyle has improved in many ways, from how I eat to how I balance work and life. Others should take notes.

High blood pressure in children: Causes, symptoms, treatment and lifestyle changes

High blood pressure, or hypertension, in children is an emerging health concern that necessitates increased awareness and proactive management. Unlike adults, children with high blood pressure often do not exhibit obvious symptoms, making it a silent but significant threat. The causes of hypertension in children can be divided into primary, often related to genetic and lifestyle factors, and secondary, linked to underlying health conditions....

Saree Cancer: Here’s What You Should Know About This Rare Form Of Cancer

Saree cancer is a rare form of cancer which usually affects women, especially Indian and South Asian women. When you wear a saree, it is important that you drape it correctly. Wearing a saree in the wrong way can lead to the development of cancer. Read on to know more about saree cancer.

How Couples Can Overcome Relationship Issues And Stay Happy

Sometimes even the happiest couples face hard times in relationships. This can include having constant conflicts or feeling stressed about the relationship or your partner. But sometimes these arguments in relationships turn into something more serious, like depression, which is often referred to as “relationship depression.” It is hard to navigate and can evoke a feeling of loneliness in the partner. This situation erupts when partners do not...

Relieve constipation naturally with Indian foods: A guide to digestive health

Constipation, a common digestive woe, can be both uncomfortable and distressing. It's a condition characterized by infrequent bowel movements, difficulty passing stool, and a sense of incomplete evacuation. While various factors can contribute to constipation, including a sedentary lifestyle and medication side effects, diet plays a significant role. Indian cuisine, known for its diversity and rich flavors, offers a plethora of natural remedies...

These 9 foods can naturally reduce bad cholesterol levels

Including oats, nuts, fatty fish, avocados, olive oil, legumes, fruits, whole grains, and garlic in your diet can help manage cholesterol levels and support heart health naturally. A balanced approach with various nutrients, along with physical activity and stress management, is crucial for overall heart health.

10 Interesting Facts About People Who Like to Be Alone

Here are 10 interesting facts about people who like to be alone. If you like being alone most of the time, you will relate to this list a lot. And if you're more social and outgoing, this video will provide you with valuable insight into the truly amazing world of the lone wolf personality type so that you can better understand the loners in your life. While it's easy to say that people who enjoy being alone are just more introverted or shy, there's actually more to the quiet type. In fact, there are many special personality traits of people who like to be alone. Loners also tend to be highly intuitive people, and their intuition is a powerful guiding force in their lives. So, whether you were born to be a loner or just want to learn more about these folks, you'll learn a lot from this video. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Subscribe To Our Channel for More Videos Like This! TWITTER: FACEBOOK:

My two Bangalores: Street and luxury

At street corners, one can find a plethora of modest restaurants serving tasty inexpensive food. Bengaluru has a whole range of artisanal cheeses, kombuchas, breads and even paan

​Priya Mani Raj turns heads in her traditional ensembles​

​Priya Mani Raj turns heads in her traditional ensembles​

A woman lost 44 pounds after ditching fad diets and excessive cardio. She says 2 simple lifestyle changes helped her lose weight.

Everything changed for Bethany Dobson, who's now a personal trainer and fat-loss coach, when she learned how to lose weight healthily and sustainably.