Weight loss


Weight Loss Story: This 24-Year-Old Girl Lost 26 Kgs In 5 Months With Home Workouts - Here’s Her Story

Real-life weight loss story: Losing weight is tough but if there is a will, there is a way. Ashwini Gaigole decided to lose weight no matter what. Being a nursing student, losing weight was not a cakewalk for her, she made sure to take one step at a time and started her weight loss journey with an aim to walk 10k steps everyday. Read on to know what other simple changes she made in her lifestyle to achieve her goal.

I live alone abroad. Here's how I deal with homesickness and loneliness.

To deal with homesickness or loneliness on the other side of the ocean, I journal, I find something to look forward to, or I simply call my mom.

A woman lost 200 pounds over 2 years. It started by walking for 10 minutes and eating one nutritious food a day.

Being overweight was all Leah Mancuso had known. In many ways it was her comfort zone, she told Business Insider.

Neck Pain From Phone Addiction? These Exercises Can Provide Relief

In an era of digitization, phone addiction is inevitable. While smartphones have revolutionized daily life, they also bring health challenges like neck pain, known as "tech neck," due to excessive use. However, there are simple exercises that can help alleviate this discomfort. Read on to learn more about combating tech neck.

The ultimate guide to finding the smartwatch that suits your lifestyle

Smartwatches are no longer just fitness trackers or vital monitoring devices that comfortably bring tech to our wrists. Here is your ultimate guide to finding the smartwatch that suits your lifestyle.

Fitness Regime For Senior Citizens: 7 Effective Exercises To Stay Fit

Maintaining an active lifestyle is essential for seniors to maintain their overall well-being. To keep health risks at bay, it is important for senior citizens to stay fit. Hence, here we have listed seven effective exercises that senior citizens should add in their fitness regime. Read on to know more.

Early signs of heart disease that you should never ignore: Causes, symptoms, tips to prevent aortic stenosis

If you've been feeling short of breath, experiencing chest pain, and dizziness, it might be due to aortic stenosis, a cardiac condition that can lead to heart failure if left untreated. Here are the causes, symptoms, and tips to reduce its risk.

How Couples Can Overcome Relationship Issues And Stay Happy

Sometimes even the happiest couples face hard times in relationships. This can include having constant conflicts or feeling stressed about the relationship or your partner. But sometimes these arguments in relationships turn into something more serious, like depression, which is often referred to as “relationship depression.” It is hard to navigate and can evoke a feeling of loneliness in the partner. This situation erupts when partners do not...

Setting healthy boundaries: Tips to maintain professionalism while protecting your time and energy

Here's how to set healthy boundaries at work and maintain professionalism while protecting your time and energy

Nutritionist from America’s only Blue Zone reveals what she eats in a day

A nutritionist from USA’s only Blue Zone has revealed what she eats in a day. Eliza Cheng, a dietitian and nutritionist living in California’s Loma Linda, revealed her daily diet in a piece for CNBC Make It. Blue Zones are areas of the world where residents live exceptionally long lives. People in Blue Zones typically live over the age of 80, thanks to healthy diets rich in plant-based foods, regular physical activity and a strong sense of...

10 Secret Daily Habits of Highly Successful People

Explore key success strategies in this Web Story, focusing on goal setting, continuous learning, and self-improvement. Learn how taking action, embracing growth mindset, and prioritizing well-being can boost personal and professional achievements for a more fulfilling life.

Make these 3 attitude changes to ease your weight loss journey

Changing your attitude towards weight loss can definitely lead to positive outcomes. Setbacks and struggles are normal during your weight loss journey, but a positive mindset can ease the pathway.

How Finding Joy in Simple Things Can Improve Your Mental Health

Discover how appreciating life's simple pleasures can significantly enhance mental health. This exploration reveals the benefits of mindfulness, gratitude, and joy in everyday moments, offering a pathway to greater well-being, resilience, and fulfilment in a fast-paced world.

3 major factors causing heart health problems in young people

Incorporating meditation, managing chronic stress, and taking preventive measures are essential for a healthy heart. By adopting these practices, individuals can reduce the risk of heart diseases and enhance overall well-being.

7 health and longevity secrets to borrow from Amitabh Bachchan

Learn the health and longevity secrets of Bollywood's megastar, Amitabh Bachchan, at 81. Discover his exercise routine, balanced diet, and mindful eating habits for a fit lifestyle. His enduring career and active lifestyle offer valuable insights into maintaining health and longevity. Here are seven health and longevity secrets we can borrow from Amitabh Bachchan.

A Deep Dive Into The Side-Effects Of Quitting Tobacco and How To Do It Successfully

The side effects of quitting smoking can be quite severe for some individuals, often leading to withdrawal symptoms due to smoking’s impact on every system in the body. These symptoms commonly include urges to smoke, restlessness, increased hunger, irritability, and negative mood changes. Less frequently, people may experience insomnia, mouth ulcers, and constipation. However, it’s crucial to remember that these side effects are only...

7 money-saving tips for housewives

Managing a household budget efficiently is crucial for housewives to achieve financial stability and maximize savings. Creating a budget, meal planning, using coupons and cashback, reducing utility costs, embracing DIY projects, shopping smart, and having an emergency fund are all key strategies to save money and avoid financial dependence on a spouse. These tips help housewives make the most of their family's finances and ensure their own...

Ditch videshi foods like avocadoes, blueberries and instead swap with these 9 desi nutritious foods

Let us debunk the myth that good health requires expensive, imported ingredients.

8 Healthy Breakfast Items To Eat For Weight Loss According to Ayurveda

Choosing the correct foods for breakfast may boost your metabolism and encourage long-term weight loss. Here are some Ayurvedic breakfast choices that can help you on your weight-loss journey.

Radhika Merchant stuns in Sabyasachi: A bridesmaid look straight out of a fairytale

Radhika Merchant, a trendsetter blending luxury and tradition, exudes effortless elegance and natural beauty with iconic style.

Weight Loss Story: Man Goes From 96 Kgs To 75 Kgs By Creating A Calorie Deficit

Weight loss story: Low immunity level and sluggishness pushed this man to shed off kilos and become healthy and fit. He stayed in calorie deficit and would strength train to lose weight and look toned.

6 morning habits to embrace from successful people

While incorporating these habits might feel challenging initially, sticking with them over time can lead to significant improvements in your energy levels, productivity, and overall sense of well-being.

​Priya Mani Raj turns heads in her traditional ensembles​

​Priya Mani Raj turns heads in her traditional ensembles​

Weight loss story: Man loses 60 kg, shares his diet and fitness plan

Ashish Sachdeva, a businessman from Rewari, Haryana, went through a remarkable weight loss transformation. Once weighing almost 140 kilos, he managed to lose 60.9 kilos in 2.5 years. Sachdeva's turning point came when he connected with spirituality, which changed his worldview and approach to life. He made lifestyle changes such as going to bed early, avoiding junk food and sugar, and following a specific diet plan. He also incorporated regular...

Parenting tips and lessons to borrow from Nita Ambani

Parenting tips are essential for guiding effective child-rearing practices, promoting emotional security, discipline, and communication. Nita Ambani, a philanthropist and mother of three, emphasizes education, moral values, individuality, healthy lifestyle, tradition, family time, and open communication in her parenting approach. These tips offer insights into promoting emotional security, discipline, and effective communication.

The surprising effects loneliness has on your brain and body

Loneliness can create a chain reaction of serious health issues if not adequately addressed. Business Insider's Mia De Graaf breaks down what happens inside your body when you're lonely.

Exercise tips: Stay fit on the go with these 7 travel-friendly exercises that need no equipment

Traditional workouts that require no equipment play a crucial role in maintaining physical health, especially during travel. These exercises offer a myriad of benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, enhanced muscle strength and endurance, and increased flexibility. No-equipment workouts are highly adaptable and can be tailored to suit individual fitness levels and goals, says professional body builder Chitharesh Kongarampilly...

5 creative interior design tips to elevate everyday living

Personalised homes influence well-being through natural light, functional zones, indoor air quality, and biophilic design. Embrace these principles to create harmonious living spaces nurturing mind, body, and soul.

8 habits seen in rich and successful people

Successful and rich people often have some essential habits that help them effectively achieve their goals and desires. Here, we have got 8 such habits that can help you become wealthy and achieve success.

An 82-year-old woman who runs half-marathons shares 3 simple habits that transformed her heart health

At 82, Wilma King has been completing 13 mile races for over a decade. She said simple daily habits keep her healthy and sharp.

10 benefits of adding coconut sugar to your daily diet

From offering an instant energy boost to regulating blood sugar levels, it helps improve and maintain several bodily functions. Here, we have the top 10 benefits of adding coconut sugar to your daily diet.

Worried about premature greying? Here are 5 ways to slow it down

We eventually need to accept grey hair, but you can keep it at bay for a little longer with simple steps like boosting your nutrient intake and managing stress.

Nearly half of India not active enough, says Lancet; Why is it concerning?

Almost 50 per cent of adults in India engaged in insufficient levels of physical activity in 2022

‘There have been times where I’ve been to a therapist’: Konkona Sensharma on prioritising mental health

I've started strength training, and that has really changed me mentally and physically in a wonderful way, Konkona reveals.

Coffee: A Lifestyle Game Changer and Superfood

Everyone wants to be at the top of their game since we live in a decade that places a high value on health and wellbeing. “Superfoods” are among the most popular categories that have taken up space in headlines and have gained prominence as foods that offer maximum nutritional benefits with minimal calories. Among these nutritional powerhouses, coffee, as a superfood beverage, stands out for its remarkable array of health-promoting...

Hara Hachi Bu: This mindful eating philosophy is the reason why Japanese live so long

Dietician Ekta Singhwal said Hara Hachi Bu allows your body to signal fullness before overeating, which can also be effective for weight management and weight loss

How To Lose Weight Without Getting On A Diet

Although it's widely accepted that a 70% diet and 30% exercise regimen is the best way to lose weight quickly and effectively, Here are six methods to lose weight without going on a rigid diet:

Pranayama for improved blood circulation: 6 essential breathing exercises of Yoga for heart health

Pranayama and heart health: Key Yoga practices, mudras and asanas explained to prevent cardiovascular diseases

Diet plan: Avoid these foods in your diet if you have chronic kidney disease

The kidneys play a crucial role in maintaining overall health by filtering waste and excess fluids from the blood, which are then excreted as urine. When kidneys are impaired, their ability to perform these functions diminishes, leading to a buildup of toxins and fluid in the body. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a condition where kidney function deteriorates over time, often exacerbated by factors like diabetes, hypertension, or autoimmune...

10 Korean habits that'll keep you looking young and energetic

Incorporating these Korean habits into your daily routine can help you achieve a healthier, more youthful, and energetic lifestyle.

Mastering overthinking? Here are 8 Japanese techniques

These techniques not only help in managing overthinking but also promote overall well-being and a deeper connection with oneself and the surrounding environment.

Butter yellow is the new 'IT' colour this summer: Here's how you can add it to your wardrobe

Butter Yellow is the hottest colour of the season! For all you fashion lovers out there, here are some expert styling tips to embrace this shade with flair.

6 ways that are well-known to reduce cortisol belly fat

Cortisol plays a significant role in managing stress and can lead to 'cortisol belly' fat. Mindful eating and ancient practices like yoga and meditation help reduce cortisol levels and combat stress-induced belly fat. Here are 6 proven methods to help you effectively reduce cortisol belly fat and improve your overall health.

A 104-year-old has been a professional lobster woman since she was 8. She says the secret to her longevity is keeping busy.

Virginia Oliver, or Ginny, is a 104-year-old woman from Maine who refuses to quit lobstering. She says keeping busy is her longevity secret.

10 reasons to have an indoor garden

Having an indoor garden puts an impression on people about someone’s personality. Plus, the beautiful flowers and the colourful leaves add an aesthetic charm to the space. Here are 10 reasons why one should have an indoor garden.

From Vitamin C serum to sunscreen, follow this six-step skincare routine for monsoon

The monsoon season brings much-needed relief from the scorching summer heat, but it also brings its own set of skincare challenges. Increased humidity, fluctuating temperatures, and the presence of pollutants can wreak havoc on your skin. To maintain a healthy, glowing skin during the rainy season, it is essential to follow a well-structured skincare routine. Here’s an effective six-step skincare routine perfect for the monsoon:Double cleanse...

Simple yoga asanas that can be done daily to prevent heart blockage

Yoga can help clear clogged arteries, reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes caused by atherosclerosis.

Yoga for healthy heart: 6 Pranayama exercises to add to your daily fitness routine to improve blood circulation

Pranayama is a key component of Yoga that can contribute significantly to heart health. Add these 6 Pranayama exercises gradually to your daily fitness routine

Want glass like skin? Here are 5 must things to do

In the pursuit of achieving glass-like skin, a regimen centered around hydration, gentle cleansing, exfoliation, sun protection, and consistency is paramount.

Pedal up: 11 benefits of cycling everyday

Pedal up: 11 benefits of cycling everyday